For this moment, in order to put some substance to this universe of no substance, I would like for you to mock-up this universe as being an infinite ocean of water that is completely around you in all three hundred and sixty degrees. This ocean is a single body of water that goes on and on and on, in all directions, forever and ever. There is no center and there are no edges or levels. It is a single living entity and it is completely aware of being aware. This living entity is fully and completely aware of its infinity and is fully and completely aware of that awareness.
If you alter your point of view within this ocean of infinity you will discover that it is composed of incredibly tiny individual molecules. Each separate molecule, which from now on we’ll call a life unit, shares many identical characteristics with every other life unit that together compose this infinite ocean entity. However, each single life unit has uniqueness peculiar to it and it alone. In other words, each unit has its own unique identity, unique will, unique basic personality and is a single unit (individual) of infinite consciousness that is an integral part of the whole.
Every life unit in this infinite ocean entity is fully and completely aware of every other life unit as being an individual unit of a more expansive entity. This includes having the complete awareness of every other life unit and being fully aware of having that awareness. Also, each life unit has the full and complete awareness of the whole ocean entity as being the whole ocean entity, as well as, a full and complete awareness of any myriad of combined life units (groups) that have come together to represent and be a single unique composite identity. Note: the divisions and subdivisions, groupings and combinations among the life units are, as you can imagine, completely without limitation.
Okay. So we now have ourselves a mocked-up image of this universe we’re putting our attention on. Now, delete the mass of water without deleting any of the units of awareness. Ah yes. That’s better. That’s a better lie. That’s a little closer to a true perception of life.
It’s occurring to me that you may be somewhat puzzled by my continual reference to lies and using lies to take you closer to a perception of truth. Let me attempt to clarify that issue.
This universe that we’re mocking up, which I refer to as life, is void of everything and anything that we have come to know and agree or disagree with. In other words, this universe is completely void of matter, energy, space and time (the component parts of our shared physical universe). Admittedly, that concept is very difficult for us, in our present condition, to get our wits around. In fact, at this point in time, we can’t really even get close to doing so even if we think we can. But I digress. Anyway, life is truth. Life is actuality. But this harmonic of truth and actuality in this universe (being outside of the apparent universal space) is an awareness or, more accurately, a knowingness. In other words, it is not something you see. If you think you see it (in some physical sense), it is not truth you are seeing but an illusion. Truth does not persist long enough for you to see it because truth (actuality) is simultaneously both creation and destruction in the NOW. The illusion, though, being a lie, will persist and can be perceived and agreed with and can become a being’s reality.
Everything emanates from life. Life has a limitless ability to mock-up anything and everything it intends in any way it intends. That is to say that life has a limitless ability to create illusions. When life mocks something up to view and for other life to view (remember all life is aware of all life and what all of life is doing) then that mock-up, that illusion, if agreed upon, becomes reality beyond its source. But the illusion is an illusion and is not truth. It may be real but it is a lie. And the only way something can be continuously viewed (persist), as an observable tangible thing in this universe called life, is if it is a lie - the more lies there are about something the greater its persistence. Yes, that would mean that our shared physical universe is a lie. It is an illusion. To see some of your own illusions that you are creating, look at your life. If you have an unwanted condition that continues to persist, you can be sure that this condition is composed of numerous lies. When you accurately spot the lies and the exact source of the lies (the exact moment in time and space when the lie was created) the unwanted condition will vanish. It might have been very real but it was never the truth. Knowing the truth unmocks the lies.
What is a lie? A lie is an alteration. It is saying that something is, which isn’t or saying that something that does exist doesn’t exist or any infinite number of variables of alterations one can mock-up.