We are now, both in time and space…very, very, very far away from The Confederation. Indeed, as we emerge from this rabbit hole we are brushing up against the space outside. We are brushing up against actuality.
The Spiral Staircase
Every single person is holding a position on hers or his very own spiral staircase which is peculiar to them. Every family, every group of any kind, every fragment of any civilization, and the entire population as a whole are also positioned at some point on their own spiral staircase. And, all of these spiral staircases are intertwined. We’re all there in the mix somewhere as is the entire physical universe.
If you could look up from the step you are standing on your spiral staircase just goes up and up and up until it eventually disappears. And if you could look down the staircase it would continue downward until it became a tiny speck then it would also disappear out of sight. So the first thing we discover is that one of the concepts the spiral staircase represents is infinity. We also see that as the staircase goes higher the steps get progressively larger and less dense and as it goes lower the steps get progressively smaller and more condensed. Thus, it is both an expanding and a dwindling spiral staircase. So, its shape is actually that of a cone.
Now imagine that you are not on the staircase. You are backed away from it a considerable distance. In fact you are backed away so far that you are only seeing the staircase as being a thin vertical line with no apparent beginning or end. You cannot see a top or a bottom to this line. But, as the line goes up it gets increasingly broader and seemingly translucent and as it goes down it gets increasingly thinner and darker. You start to slowly move closer and before long you’re close enough to make out that this line is not exactly a straight line. You are now close enough to distinguish that the line is actually a cone shaped spiral. You continue to go closer. Finally you’re close enough to actually see that spiral is composed of seemingly never ending steps. You move even closer and as you get really close to one of the steps, so close that the rest of the staircase disappears from view, you see that there is now another endless vertical line in front of you. You don’t stop but continue zooming in closer and closer towards the line. As you do you once again discover the spiral in the line followed by the view of steps. You go closer and very quickly find yourself on a duplicate step to the previous one and once again, you’re looking at another line. You hesitate for a moment then stop. You start to ponder the meaning of the phenomena you’re experiencing. You wonder what will happen if you keep moving in closer. What will you find? Will there be yet another line that is really a spiral too? What could possibly be at the end of this? And then there’s the really important question, if you keep going forward will you be able to return to where you started?
The questions begin to gnaw away at you. The next thing you become aware of is that you have hesitated too long and have fallen into the maybe trap where decisions are nonexistent. You are now stuck in a state of limbo without motion or direction. You observe time and events moving past you as if you weren’t even there. Then something happens. A whisper of intention floats by and you latch onto it with a death grip. Without any delay whatsoever you make a decision! Voila! You have freed yourself from the maybe trap. You’re now out and fluid again.
You muster up some courage and allow your adventuresome spirit to once again take the reins. You decide to push on and see just how far this strange phenomenon will take you. You continue moving closer to what is ever in front of you and as you do the bewildering phenomenon just keeps repeating itself over and over and over, again and again and again. Myriad of repetitions later you arrive at a step and there is no other line to be seen. But the question now looms, where have you arrived? And will you be able to find your path back the way you came in?
You are now standing on a single step. You see no other step anywhere. There’s just the one you’re on but you vaguely sense another step above this one and the more you adjust your perceptions you begin to see other steps just below. But as one perception expands another fades. You are unable to see from where you have journeyed. In fact, you have no recollection of ever having been anywhere prior to where you are now. This is it. You are now located at your awareness level on a spiral staircase within a spiral staircase within a spiral staircase and so on and so on seemingly forever and ever. Evidently you are located somewhere within eternity.
From your position on this step i.e., your level of awareness, is from where you perceive, create and live your life. Your reality of your environment, the world and the universe is all contained right here on this step. What is real to you, what is true for you is manifest for you by way of your agreements. In other words, what is real for you is what you agree is real for you. What is true for you is what you agree to be true for you. And what you do or don’t do, what you perceive or don’t perceive, what you believe or don’t believe is completely determined and limited by your agreements. In other words, and more specifically, your decisions.
You are not alone.
Remember, you are on one step on a staircase of infinite steps. There are many, many steps above and below you but those that are above, except for possibly the next step up, exist outside of your level of awareness. The few steps that you are aware of that exist below yours are steps you have no desire or wish to even visit. But as you look down you recognize people that you once used to know. You see some old friends standing a few steps down and feel a pang of sadness drift into your space as the memories of a past time spent with those people parade by in front of you.
Occasionally, unknown circumstances will catapult someone briefly up to a higher step not ever even envisioned. When this event actually happens to someone and then they later return to “reality” where they feel obligated to share their experience, it is not uncommon for them to come face-to-face with ridicule from others. They have moved out of the accepted levels of group agreement. Their reality is no longer the agreed upon reality and that immediately sets them apart making them undesirable and sometimes even considered dangerous to associate or communicate with. Or, they become very attractive to a small percentage of others that hang on their every word and will do anything they are told to do by the person. In other words, in the extreme, they can become cult leaders.
Note: On occasion a life unit, for whatever reason, will have the experience where its lower mind backs off far away from its vicinity and during this time is not exerting its negative influences upon the life unit, the life unit’s higher mind or the life unit’s organism. In that finite period of time the life unit will perhaps suddenly find itself once again in possession of surprising “supernatural” abilities or will experience life altering changes of perception (epiphanies) that are usually categorized as being religious experiences. These moments might only exist for seconds or might last throughout an entire lifetime of the identity one is temporarily being.
On every spiral staircase including every spiral staircase within every spiral staircase within infinity and awareness, there is a very thin line of demarcation. Above the line of demarcation there is awareness and degrees of more and more awareness. Below the line is unawareness and degrees of less and less awareness. There are no absolutes on any part of this staircase.
The population on planet earth has always fluctuated only slightly between an incredibly small grouping of little steps on our collective staircase. But, in this place and time, remains well below any line of demarcation. In other words, the population of planet earth has been pretty much “fixed” in a state of unknowing unconscious both spiritually and mentally.
There is more data to explore but we will now move on and possibly return to this mock-up later.
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