Bob pulled his attention out of his memory bank files and back into present time. He now focused his full attention onto the disseminator ship headed for the very, very remote little planet located way out on the rim of a small galaxy.
The cargo of this ship was a vast assortment of devices that were calibrated to frequencies that made them invisible to the prisoners on the planet. The devices were in many different forms. Some looked just like a book, some were exact copies of various familiar insects, some looked like rodents, some were boxes, some were spheres and so on and so forth. If someone did happen across one of these devices and was able to see it then that meant that the person was emanating the same frequency of vibration as that of the device. The fact that the prisoner was emanating this particular frequency revealed that the person was experiencing memory leakage of a specific kind. The devices were calibrated to a multitude of different frequencies that scanned the environment for a frequency that duplicated that of the device. When a match was found, the device would put itself in the path of the person. The person would see it, have his or her attention compelled to lock onto the device and pick it up. At this point, depending on the type of leakage, indicated by the frequency, the devices were programmed to do many different things. One thing, though, that all the devices had in common was that once picked up, the device would go into a period of standby for various periods of time depending on how the device was programmed. The purpose of this was to give the target time enough to locate other similar prisoners. It was typical that prisoners that would begin to experience memory leakage would be drawn to others having the same type of leakage. Their like frequencies would draw them together but without any awareness of the fact on their part. They just knew that they enjoyed being around one another. Anyway, after a certain period of time when others, if there were others, came on the scene, the device would activate. Of course, if there were others, they would be compelled to touch the device at which time the device made a recording of their unique identifying wavelength.
The devices did different things when they activated. The one thing that they all did was emanate a specialized frequency of energy that would seal the leakage and basically act as a booster blast for the amnesia. But beyond this basic function there were devices with "accessories." For example: Some devices would project angel-like or god-like holograms that would give eloquent speeches and command the people to go off and do all sorts of odd things (many religions came into existence this way. In fact, there are a few of these guys who have programs on present time TV.). Some devices were designed to activate various programs in the lower mind that, until this point in time, had just floated along with the person in an inactivated dormant state. Now, suddenly, this irrational program is activated and the person abruptly dedicates the rest of their life to discovering the true meaning of the June bug's reproductive cycle, or why chimpanzees are chimpanzees or isolating exactly why mice make a squeaking noise or something of the sort. Or, worse, the person is suddenly compelled to kill, in a certain manner, any woman that fits an extremely precise profile or some such insanity. And on and on it goes.
Then some devices (usually sphere shaped) are programmed to detect and ratify cases of severe memory leakage. These devices emit an invisible disintegrator wave that completely eradicates, without any visible evidence, the organism of anyone emanating a certain frequency. The device also blacks out the memory of anyone else who happens to be nearby but not manifesting the frequency. After such an occurrence the life units emanating frequencies matching the device suddenly find themselves once again captive at a Dept. of Conformity prison outpost operated by some technicians that are readying themselves to have some sadistic fun with their new arrivals.
Back at Bob's house with the group of twenty-nine......
As Bob heard and felt the click from the lever as it locked into its new position, he knew exactly what was going to happen next. Checkmate.
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