Reality Factor: We are soon going to be leaving Confederation space and time. I realize that our journey through this time is anything but light and airy. However, it is where we have begun our journey to the space outside and it is what it is. Before we leave the Confederation there is still a few more things to learn. In fact, learning about these things is critical to our overall journey. I know what is coming may get a bit too technical and therefore arduous to progress through but please hang in there.
The Mind
Note: This section of material can easily become confusing, therefore, I suggest that as you proceed in reading this section, if you do find yourself becoming confused, get some paper and something to draw with and then sketch out diagrams in order to better visualize the various relationships amongst the numerous components addressed.
We have been covering all of this information regarding implants and programs but there’s been no address given as to how the implants are implanted into the life unit. Well, they aren’t exactly implanted into the life unit. In order to understand something about this process we have to understand something about how the mind operates (not the brain).
I know. Separating the mind out from the brain and seeing the two as being totally different from one another is not that easy for those of us who have been so thoroughly and continually indoctrinated with the notion that they are one and the same. But the truth is they are not the same and they are not anything alike.
The brain is part of the organism composite of which the lower life force is the proprietor. The organism’s brain is an incredibly complex switchboard relaying information and direction throughout and between the various other systems of the body via a network of sub-switchboards. The organism does have a mind and does have memories but this is not the mind of the life unit. The life unit animates and commands the organism by way of knowingly or unknowingly impinging its directives via thought impulses against the glandular-system (in particular, the pituitary gland) switchboard, which then converts these emotional impulses into action via the motor controls of the organism. Essentially, the glandular system is an apparatus that has been designed and engineered to be a translator of thought. And thought, as by now you know, is not composed of physical matter, energy, space or time.
First off, in actuality, the life unit’s mind is about as necessary to the life unit as a load of rocks are to the functioning of your car. In other words, the mind is an unnecessary additive. However, it is an additive that life units brought into existence many, many eons prior to the inception of the Confederation and over a very long span of time they have utterly convinced themselves that they must have one for survival and have therefore become thoroughly enmeshed with their minds. The mind, unlike the organism, has no life force. It is not an entity although it may seem like one. The mind is a highly sophisticated and complex machine. It is the ne plus ultra of a recording and computing device and that’s about all it is. The mind is a recording, filing and computing machine that makes its recordings of the environment in picture form at the rate of about one picture every twenty-fourth of a second. The pictures/recordings are actually energy imprints of a finite moment in time and they are filed in chronological sequence and stored in the memory banks of the mind. The filing system is incredibly complex and it has an abundance of multi-layer cross-reference systems that would make the most brilliant computer software writer for enormous data bank management in the Confederation permanently green with envy. Also, the speed at which it can file, retrieve and analyze data is not anything you could believe.
A typical recording includes over fifty separate perceptions and it’s a recording reflecting what the life unit is focused on from its point of view. Besides the perceptions that you would expect to be in the recording, like sight, sound, smell, taste, color or absence of color; there are also sub-category perceptions of temperature, the different rates of motion from any moving particle in the picture, gamma rays, cosmic rays, emotions, tone, language, pressures on the body, body position and relation to other points of dimension, evaluations, thoughts, decisions, level of consciousness, other identities, their emotions, tone and so on. All of these and many more are typical content in each recording (energy imprint) that the mind makes every 24th of a second.
You might be wondering how long an average mind has been making these recordings. I can’t say for sure, and looking through Bob’s data here, I can find no specific mention of this detail but from things I have assimilated here and there from Bob’s story I can only offer an inference. All I can tell you is that if you were able to perceive the length of time an average mind belonging to a life unit has been in operation, you would believe that you must certainly be looking at eternity. Now, take that concept, as ambiguous as it is, then imagine a recording being made every 24th of a second and those fifty plus perceptions in each recording. Now imagine what the mind’s memory banks must look like. As you can easily see, the content of the life unit’s mind could not, in any way, be contained within the physical cells of the brain of a human organism, or for that matter, the brain of any other organism. Nor could they be contained within the most advanced memory capabilities of any computer. “So where is the mind kept?” you ask. Well, the best I can tell you is that it accompanies the life unit and is kept in the vicinity of the life unit in the form of highly organized energy. The life unit takes its mind wherever it goes and that, of course, includes organism to organism. And that’s all I am able to tell you right now.
In the mind there is a line of demarcation. Above the line the life unit has conscious awareness of and the potential for total access to every single recording; images with all perceptions (memories), the mind has ever recorded. There is differentiation observed from one recording to another, there is a distinction of time and discernment in the terms of past, present and future and progressive sequences and there is an ability to combine pictures in order to make new images (imagination). And, imagination is recognized as being imagination and not mistaken for reality or actuality. By the way, any access or use of the mind by the life unit is, of course, also recorded. In any case, the mind is a tool that the life unit uses to survive. A life unit accesses a multitude of recordings and uses the data in the memories to both pose and resolve problems, pass exams, chose a mate, learn, extrapolate, speculate on future events, predict consequences and so on.
Below the line of demarcation there exists a lower level of mind. And it is this lower mind that was utilized by the Dept. of Conformity’s programmers to effectively program the captured life units.
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