The lower mind is the primary mind (perhaps it’s the only mind...Bob's notes are not clear on this) of the lower life forms. How it came to be part of the mind that the life unit uses will be discussed later. And while it might be workable as a tool of survival for a lower life form, it works just the opposite in regards to a life unit. The lower mind is not a logical mind. It is a stimulus response mind. Its memory filing system is quite crude, certainly no comparison to the sophisticated multilevel systems of the higher mind. The lower mind is incapable of differentiation. It does not distinguish any difference between past, present and future, which means that all its recordings are filed as happening in present time. “Now” is the only moment it recognizes in regards to time. Three other elements that are part of each recording made by the lower mind are impact, pain and unconsciousness. And the pain in the recordings is what gives the memories stored in the lower mind of the life unit power to apply sufficient force to the rational operation of the higher mind and override it. This is not a good thing. Now there is one more element that, if it’s part of a recording made by this mind, can wreck havoc on the operational effectiveness of the higher mind and the life unit. This element I’m referring to is language. Now in the lower life form’s mind language is not a detrimental factor but in the case of the operation of the life units’ lower mind, language is an extremely detrimental factor. All language in recordings of the lower mind is recorded as being literal. And, all language in these recordings, because of the inclusion of pain, has force (command value), which brings about very bad effects on the operation of the higher mind and the life unit. Remember, this is the mind of the crooked line. One cannot make sense out of what is in this mind because what is in this mind does not make any sense to begin with. However, that being said, in working with our higher minds we manage to come up with some of the wildest and most ludicrous answers possible in our attempts to explain and rationalize the actions and results spawned out of the lower mind.
All recordings, including the complete detailed content of these recordings, in this lower mind are filed as being identical or similar and they all equal, to greater and lesser degrees, pain and unconsciousness. Like I said, the filing system in this mind is very crude in comparison to that of the higher mind. But this mind does compartment off recordings into a few separate areas. For example, there is the compartment having to do with self, there is a compartment having to do with creation and that includes family and sex, and then there’s compartments that have to do with others, there is compartment having to do with the species the life unit is pretending to be a part of, there is a compartment having to do with all plant and animal life, there is a compartment having to do with the components of the physical universe i.e., matter, energy, space and time, there is a compartment having to do with life units and there is a compartment having to do with infinity and there may even be a few others. Now being that this mind functions totally as a stimulus-response mind it has to first receive stimulus in order to respond. Anything in the present time environment of the life unit, if in some way is similar to even a speck of content in the lower mind, can act as a switch i.e., the stimulus, which activates a response from the lower mind. And any response from this mind is always irrational and inappropriate. And because of the pain and unconsciousness part of the content of the recording, as well as any language that might happen to be in the recording’s content, the response exerts command over the operation of the higher mind, the organism and the life unit. The lower mind’s response, which is actually a certain grouping of recordings, as it relates to a life unit, is always a wrong answer.
One way we can visualize this lower mind is to compare it to a typical electrical panel or, as it is sometimes referred to, “breaker box“. As I’m sure you know, the electrical panel is located where the electrical service enters into a building from the outside. Inside the panel the main current of electricity is divided into independent circuits and each circuit is controlled by its own breaker switch. If a breaker switch is switched to the “on” position, a certain amount of electrical current is allowed to flow into the circuit that is controlled by that switch. If the breaker is switched to the off position no electrical current will flow into that circuit. Okay, using the electrical panel as an analogy, imagine such a panel that is filled with hundreds of thousands of breakers. In this imagined breaker box, each breaker represents a finite recording made by the lower mind. Each recording has a beginning, a middle and an end and each recording is loaded with many gigabytes of data. As the life unit moves through life and living, things in the present time environment that approximate something in one of these recordings, in the right circumstances, can cause that particular breaker to switch on and the content of that recording begins to run and has an adverse affect upon the life unit.
Until a particular lower mind recording is switched on it will just float along in time remaining dormant and exerting no adverse effect upon the higher mind, the life unit or the organism. However, once a particular memory is switched on it will exert an adverse effect on the higher mind, the organism and the life unit for usually several days (a week or so) and then minimize into a sort of stand-by mode for the remainder of that organism’s life. But in this stand-by mode it takes incredibly little to reactivate it and have it once again take control of the operation of the organism and life unit. And if the life unit happens to be so unlucky as to be living in an environment that is acting as a held down switch (switch locked in activation mode) for the lower mind, the activated recordings will be exerting control over the higher mind, the organism and the life unit 24-7. In which case, the life unit usually just concludes that this manner of acting and behaving is just “the way he or she is.” In other words, the life unit mistakenly identifies its irrational behavior that’s actually being enforced upon it by the lower mind, to be what he or she is. It’s insidious!
The mechanical form of this lower mind having its recordings compartmented as to what they’re in reference to, means that you can have a perfectly “normal” person that happens to enter an environment where something switches on a breaker within that enormous “breaker box” and causes the person to display an inappropriate irrational response to the extant set of circumstances. For example, it could be the lower mind’s storage compartment having to do with family and sex that something in the present environment triggers a particular breaker to switch to the “on” position. The activated recording takes over control and the person begins acting out the highly irrational and inappropriate content of the recording in present time meaning, in this example, the person becomes a sexual pervert. However, as far as this person’s behavior goes in other areas of life, such as how he performs and acts at work is quite rational. Perhaps he’s well known and admired for his athletic abilities and high degree of good sportsmanship or he might be recognized as a “pillar of the community” in reference to his civic service. In any case, this simply means that this person, in those areas, has not experienced a set of circumstances that has acted to switch on a breaker and activate an irrational response from one of the compartments in the lower mind that pertains to those areas of existence. Hence, the situation of any one person being “totally insane” is highly unlikely. To be totally insane they would have to have every compartment and sub-compartment in the lower mind in a state of simultaneous activation.
One more thing and that is, the contents of the lower mind are highly contagious in a progressive geometric sort of way. This means that a person who is being controlled by their lower mind, which means they are acting and behaving as dictated by “crooked thought,” can pass their irrationality on to anyone else that happens to be in a receptive state, i.e., to some degree experiencing a moment of impact, pain and unconsciousness. This particular mechanic of the lower mind is why it is so important to remain totally silent (definitely no talking) around anyone who is experiencing and degree of unconsciousness and pain and that includes anyone who has just received some bad news or is in a state of depression. Any words spoken around a person who is experiencing some degree of pain and unconsciousness are words that are being recorded in the lower mind as being literal commands. There is a possibility that these recordings might sooner or later be triggered by something in the person’s environment and go into action creating an adverse impact on the individual, the individual’s mind and the organism the individual is operating. Not to mention the ripple effect out into the person’s environment where it infects others.
There is so much more detailed information available on the mind in Bob’s story but I just can’t, as much as I would like to, get into those files right now. As it is, I’m already digressing more onto this topic than I intended and, due to the tediousness of this subject, you might be feeling a bit bogged down about now. But, please try to hang in there as there is one more point that I do want to tack on here at the end about the mind and the life unit and then we’ll move on. Speaking of moving on, you might be pleased to hear that we’re going to be leaving Bob’s story here pretty soon and be going off to a place that is far far away in time from here. In fact, where we're going there is no time. However, before we backtrack our steps through the looking glasses and come back to what’s “real,” there will be one or two more segments of Bob’s story that I’ll write down for you in the Space Outside.
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