Now this may sound rather idiotic, but a life unit is a unit of life. As covered earlier, life units vary in order of magnitude from one to the next. Life units have x amount of life force in ratio to their own unique order of magnitude. Again, here’s a quantitative factor in regards to a life unit. When a life unit collides with the physical universe, while operating an organism, there is a degree of confusion that occurs. And, as we have discussed, the lower mind is brought online in these moments of impact, pain and unconsciousness so that everything that occurs during these incidents is recorded. But something else also happens during these finite moments of pain, unconsciousness and confusion. A degree of the life unit’s life force is somehow trapped and encapsulated within the confused energy of the lower mind and is held captive there in a unrelenting state of turbulence. This particular mechanic, of course, reduces the amount of life force that is available to the life unit. In effect this occurrence reduces the rational capability, intelligence and power of the life unit and the life unit is now predisposed to think and behave irrationally.
Well, as mentioned earlier, the life units have had minds for a very, very long time and during the course of this time they have had many, many collisions with the physical universe (such as hitting a hand with a hammer a few trillion times and much, much worse) and with each collision a fraction of confused life force was trapped and held captive by the lower mind. And each time the amount of free and pure life force available to the life unit became, to some degree, less. Thereby reducing the life unit’s abilities of reason and power.
Note: Life force is the essence of a life unit. Essentially the life force IS the life unit. They are one and the same.
As this process continues over time, the amount of trapped life force accumulates. And so long as the amount of free life force is greater than what is trapped the life unit can still hold its position against the irrational influences and commands exerted on it by the irrational mind and keep it held back and contained. However, there comes a time when a point is reached where the amount of free life force is equaled by the amount of trapped life force that is in a state of never ending confusion and agitation. The trapped life force is exerting a force, albeit a highly confused and turbulent force, against the free life force and this force against force, being equal creates a huge standing ridge of energy – and then comes another collision after which the irrational mind takes the upper-hand. This means that the free life force remaining is now in a condition where it can be much more easily overwhelmed, agitated, influenced and commanded via the contents of the recordings stored in the lower mind that are being “switched on” by circumstances in present time that approximate, in some way, the contents of a lower mind recording.
To put this in perspective, imagine the Empire State Building and let’s say that huge structure represents the trapped life force in the lower mind. To represent the amount of free and pure life force remaining, get the mental image of a postage stamp and hold it up next to the Empire State building and there you have a visual ratio between free life force and trapped life force. There isn’t a life unit one known to be in the Confederation, including the bulk of the nonconformists, that isn’t somewhere near this ratio of trapped versus free life force and that’s regardless of the life units order of magnitude. In other words, this ratio is relative to the order of magnitude of the life unit.
In view of the fact that we have been discussing life force, let’s see if we can get ourselves a better perspective regarding the power of free and pure life force. Lets take a life unit on the order of magnitude of a baby mouse. For the purposes of our example, the life force of this very small life unit is still completely free. It does not possess one speck of trapped or turbulent life force. If you were to meet and communicate with this particular life unit you would be one hundred percent certain that you had just been communicating with God Almighty. There is such an enormous quantity of intention, reason, understanding, compassion, love, power, creative force, etc. represented by the free life force of this one small life unit that this life unit, alone, is capable of manifesting an entire duplicate universe of the entire extant physical universe. This should give you an idea of how far down the dwindling spiral the life units have come.
The Dept. of Conformity knew a great deal about the mind and especially the mechanics of the lower mind. As the Confederation always looked at any new information or technology from the viewpoint of, how it could be used to make life more controllable, obedient and subservient i.e., a slave. That crew at the Dept. of Conformity never thought once about trying to repair and rehabilitate a mind. In any case, the research scientists of the dept. had really hit “pay dirt” with their research more than once over the millenniums, and they knew how to use the lower mind against the life unit, the rational mind of the life unit and the organism the life unit was associated with. In other words, they knew exactly how to write the programs and exactly how and when to install them in order to make them extremely effective in controlling life units.
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