The lower mind records in image form the same way as the higher level mind. Its recordings are also made as energy imprints in picture form and include all the percepts as those recorded by the higher mind. The life unit, however, has no awareness of this mind or the content of its memory banks. This mind and its contents are buried beneath the awareness of the life unit and are closed off to access by the life unit. If a life unit, at present time on earth, does contemplate the existence of this lower mind, it is usually in reference to the speculations and significances generated and disseminated by the field of psychology regarding what is referred to as the subconscious or unconscious mind. Also some spiritual practices refer to this mind as the "ego self" or the "me" as opposed to being the "I". In any case, either concept of subconscious or unconscious mind as put forth is completely arbitrary and copiously littered with falsehoods. In examining this lower mind it would be best if one would disabuse themselves of any former authoritative data received regarding the subconscious or unconscious mind. But, then again, don’t you accept a word of this. Remain skeptical and continually compare this new information to your own perceptions of reality and what is true for you.
The lower mind is a rugged mind. It is designed to take over the duty of recording and filing everything that happens to the life unit when the life unit has gone unconscious and the higher mind has been temporarily turned off. This condition occurs when the life unit collides too forcefully with the physical universe resulting in pain and unconsciousness. For example, when the nonconformists were subjected to the tremendous amnesia producing force, their higher mind would shut down, the life unit, not being able to confront that degree of force, went unconscious but the lower mind was right there recording everything that occurred.
When I say pain and unconscious I’m speaking in terms of degrees of. As a demonstration, place one of your hands palm down on a solid flat surface. Now grab a piece of paper, napkin, business card or the like and using that paper product hit this hand as hard as you can. So what happens? Not much. Right? While force and impact were a part of this action the degree of impact was not sufficient to pull more than a small fraction of your attention from your immediate surroundings onto your hand and the point of contact where the paper struck it. Now grab a pen or pencil and hold it up and just let it drop onto your hand. The impact of the pen or pencil hitting your hand, while being greater than the paper, does still not pull more than a fraction of your attention from your immediate surroundings to your hand and the point of impact. Okay. Go get yourself a hammer. Now take the hammer and mock-up hitting your hand as hard as you possibly can. Well, in reality, if you were to actually hit your hand with the hammer, the instant that hammer strikes your hand there is sufficient impact, and now pain is there too, in the blow that your complete attention is pulled from your immediate environment to the precise point of impact and pain. In that moment, your body most likely did not fall over totally unconscious but you were, for all practical purposes, unconscious of your immediate environment. In this moment of impact, pain and unconsciousness; the life unit has essentially withdrawn, the higher-level mind stops recording and the lower level mind, not missing a beat, activates and records everything going on, all fifty plus perceptions, in 24th of a second increments. As the pain subsides, the life unit slowly returns its attention to the area i.e., consciousness, first to the injury then moving further and further out into the immediate environment, the lower mind passes the torch, so to speak, back to the higher mind and goes into standby mode. So here we have a finite period in time that includes degrees of pain and unconsciousness where the lower mind took over the recording and filing duties for the higher mind and all those recordings are stored in memory banks that are beneath the awareness of the life unit. The life unit doesn’t even have a clue that any recordings were even made. However, the life unit does have an awareness of a few moments of being stunned and sort of “blacked out.” Now, what happens in that incident where the lower mind is engaged and recording, has the potential to be very detrimental to the life unit.
If you were to draw a picture to represent the concept of reason or rationality it would simply be the drawing of a straight line going from point A to point B. If you were to apply force against this straight line of reason the line would bend and become crooked. It would cease to go from A to B and now might twist around or zig zag randomly from point to point. This crooked line represents irrationality. The Latin word aberrare means to deviate from or wander away from. The English forms of the word aberrare we use instead are, aberrant, aberrate or aberration. You could say that aberration is force applied against reason to such an extent that it pushes reason off its course. In any event, the higher mind is a mind of reason or the rational mind or the mind of the straight line. The lower mind is the aberrated mind. It is the irrational mind or the mind of the crooked line and it has the power to apply sufficient amounts of force against the inherent reason of the life unit to aberrate the rational behavior of the life unit by adversely affecting the rational operations of the higher mind.
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