Here is where it gets exceptionally tricky for me as your guide. I want to show you something that is impossible to show you. We are going to attempt to leave a nothing that we are convinced is a never ending something and go to an actual something, which is truly infinite; yet we perceive it as a nothing. Because there are no words that can come even close to symbolizing what we’re attempting to approach, I will use common words to describe uncommon things. Essentially I am going to use a string of lies to get you as close to a perception of truth as I can. I know. It sounds crazy.
Through my words I am going to provide you with a light sketch of a particular scene. To these sketches, you will have to add the dimension, color, sound, texture, etcetera. I assume that you will do so with concepts and images that are familiar to you, but I do encourage you to keep an eye out for any new unfamiliar images that happen to appear on the scene. I have a feeling that, particularly at this stage of our journey, some might just show up.
We are now going to mock-up a universe. We are going to begin with getting a sense of what is not in this universe and then see how it goes from there.
In this universe we are mocking up there is no matter. There is no motion. There is no space. There is no location. There is no dimension. There is no distance. There is no light. There is no dark. There is no wavelength. There is no sound. There is no form. There is no smell. There is no fast. There is no slow. There is no energy. There is no big. There is no small. There is no taste. There is no evil. There is no sensation. There is no age. There are no numbers. There is no game. There is no start. There is no end.
I realize that per this description you could easily assume that the universe we are mocking up is nothing but a void, but I assure you, this universe is most definitely not a void. This universe IS the space outside. The irony is, that once you’ve entered the space outside you are no longer in a space. Indeed, rather than to state that we have emerged into the space outside it would be more accurate to state, that we are now outside of space. And because we are outside of space we no longer have any location. We just ARE. We exist as a CAUSE, as a SOURCE, as a CONSCIOUSNOUS, as a ONE.
Before we continue I want to encourage you to just stop right here and take some time to stretch out your imagination as far as you possibly can and try to get some kind of feel for this universe. Take some time and really mock this universe up. Take as long as you need. There is no hurry. The next paragraph will wait patiently for as long as you need.
There are a few words that I am familiar with, which I have chosen to use in order to label this universe. And though the concepts these words and phrases symbolize are so utterly and significantly less than adequate for this universe, they are the best lies I can find in the English language. In no particular order, these words are; eternity, infinity, source, that which is aware of being aware, cause, truth, love, creation, serenity of being, integrity, actuality, élan vital, God, thought and my favorite - life. There is another word and that is the word, home. And I suspect that you might know of or have other words that you would choose to represent this universe.
You see this universe we have begun to mock-up is actually our universe. It is our home. We can never go here because we are, in fact, always here and have never really left. But this is a universe where there is no here or there. It is actually much more accurate to state that we ARE this universe. It is not a separate thing from us. It is you, it is I and it is we and we are it. The universe that I like to call life is indeed a true static.
And it is here, where there is no here, where our game begins. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.
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