This new game proves to be a wonderful game and as it is being played it is constantly being augmented by the life units in their continual creating of new universes that they add to the mix. Of course, this not only enlarges the illusion but it also makes the game more complex and difficult to play. The game is great fun and all the life units involved are having a marvelous time. Then someone has another bright idea (and gets complete agreement) to add a new component to the universe and this particular component, at a certain stage of the game, generates a very detrimental effect. The new component is time and it’s made retroactive to the beginning of this new collective universe.
Time proves to be the ne plus ultra of lies. It is the ultimate arbitrary illusion within the illusion. By adding the illusion of time to the overall illusion a life unit, in order to duplicate, its own unique illusion, now has to, not only reassemble every single particle of energy, matter and space, but has to reassemble every single particle of energy, matter and space in its own exact moment of time of creation. And if the exact time is not included, the illusion cannot be unmocked and will therefore continue to persist.
Note: There is another factor regarding the new universe that I want to mention to you but I will not be going into great detail about it. But I do want to register it at this time.
This new universe illusion is contained in its own space. But, as you might imagine with a universe that is essentially a composite of trillions and trillions of independent universes, it has many other manifestations of space, matter, energy and time within it. In the woof and warp of its fabric, this universe has many, many, many layers of independent frequencies that are in and of themselves unique arrangements of physical space, energy, matter and time i.e., unique universes. You could compare these to radio frequencies where by adjusting the receiver on your radio or television set, you are able to tune in different broadcasts that exist simultaneously but separately from one another by way of being on different modulations of carrier waves within the same overall space but not the same exact space.
As a side note: In the physical universe illusion it is a law that no two things can occupy the exact same location in space and time (and therein that simple little law, my friend, is the secret to how the life units will eventually come to unmock the physical universe illusion and win the game).
Sometimes with radio signals, when conditions are just right but wrong, one frequency will somehow intertwine with another and cause a disturbance. For usually just a moment or two, the listener and/or viewer will be able to see and/or hear two different broadcasts that are overlapping in the same unit of time. This phenomenon also occurs in regards to random universes, which exist on different frequencies, when they momentarily intertwine and overlap with our universe on its particular frequency or ours does so on some other universe frequency. This circumstance, occurring over the millennia, has been a source of inspiration for stories of fairies, goblins, leprechauns, hobbits, giants, and many, many more “fantasies” and horrible monsters, horrible places and remarkable beings and places as well that, as of yet, have never shown up in print or film. These frequencies have also been mistakenly referred to as being different dimensions such as the fourth, fifth, sixth and so on dimension. And they have been referred to as parallel universes but what they actually are is random unique universes with their own unique laws existing within the Grand Illusion as unique independent frequencies. Just like life exists and operates on this specific frequency, so it is doing on myriads squared of other frequencies within the same illusion. This means that it is totally possible that a life unit could be simultaneously playing games within a variety of universe frequencies and might very well be doing so.
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