Okay, here is where something very creative happens. It is a finite cycle. It has a start, middle and an end. A life unit has a bright idea that gets instantaneous agreement from all of the other life units in our Dixie cup sample. In fact, the idea is so appealing that many life units outside our sample decide to join in. The idea is that any life units who want to play in this game agree to simultaneously "scoop" up their created universes and at the exact same moment (they create a temporary shared time for this), hurl their universes into a catch space that has been collectively created to receive all of the life units' universe illusions.
And so it is done. And it is done with unbelievable force, intention and joy.
You might be wondering why in the heck life would decide to do such a thing. The answer is simple. For life this is just another activity of creating a new game. There’s no more significance to it than that.
We're probably all familiar with "The Big Bang" theory as to how our physical universe came into being but the current theory is tremendously off the mark! However, there is obviously some long gone distant, distant miniscule bit of knowing regarding the origin of this particular game that is bleeding through and that's why there is such wide acceptance for this theory.
Imagine trillions upon trillions upon trillions of universes, each one different from the others, each one having its own creator and peculiar arrangement of space, simultaneously colliding in a single space. Well, that’s as close as I can get to showing you how the physical universe that we so closely associate with came into existence. But remember, it is only an illusion that has been brought into existence by life because life intended it to be. And in being an illusion, it is not truth. It is a lie. And because it is a lie it persists.
Of course, this newly created universe is the epitome of chaos and confusion. And that’s just the way life intended it. That was a big part of the bright idea!
Prior to the confusion life was conducting an orderly state of play and there was a differentiation between the creator of one universe to that of another. In other words there was a state of knowing prior to the confusion. The collision of the universes brings about an intended state of unknowing. And as life emerges out of the confusion it must again know (remember, in order for life to be confused it had to first create such a thing as confusion then agree to be the effect of it). But this level of knowing is on a lower level than that prior to the confusion. In any case, to reiterate, this event marks the creation of the beginning of the physical universe i.e., the great illusion.
Now, take a moment and recall your basketball mock-up. Recall the space where you mocked-up your basketball. Good. That space, the basketball and everything else in that space is yours. It is your universe and you control it. So imagine being in a space that is not yours. Imagine that any energy or any matter that happens to be in the space is not at all familiar to you. It’s not familiar because it’s not yours and you cannot control it. This space, energy and matter does not respond to your commands. And, as hard as you might try, you cannot make it go away. You cannot unmock it. This situation is the situation each life unit finds itself in after the “great collision.” They are in a space where there is matter and there is energy but it is not their space, it is not their matter and it is not their energy. Although their created universe is thoroughly enmeshed in this new universe, it is nowhere to be perceived. This new universe is a chaotic confused illusion and it is in a state of continuous persistence. And the life units, one and all, are thrilled by this new unpredictable set of circumstances. It is a fantastic illusion and a great new game!
Note: I will be frequently referring to life as we go on in this mock-up. The life, as a whole, or a life unit or life units that are part of this whole is referencing the quantity of life that we scooped up in our little Dixie cup sample and any others that decided to join their illusions into the great collision. While all of life is quite aware of what is happening here, it is only this incredibly microscopic fraction of life that is directly involved with this particular illusion.
The new game’s goal becomes: Bring order to the chaos. And the way that will be done is by each life unit locating every single particle of energy, matter and space that is their own illusion and then reassembling it to be EXACTLY like it was prior to the creation of the game. Of course, their own illusion is now scattered throughout this new universe and mixed up with every other life unit’s unique illusion. So, even for a life unit, this task is not going to be any piece of cake. The life units are not approaching solving this problem by focusing their attention on the confusion but by focusing their attention on the order that existed prior to the confusion. If they were to focus on the confusion they would just bring into existence a greater quantity of confusion.
Okay. Let’s look at this game a little closer but in a different way. So we’ve got this scene of trillions upon trillions of unique and independent universes (represented as being sets of marbles) coming together in a forceful collision. Well, if you will, imagine that there’s this huge front-end loader (a big tractor with a scoop/bucket on the front of it) that begins to go around and scoop up gobs and gobs of marble sets and when its bucket is brimming with marbles it goes and dumps them into this gigantic hoper (a big coned shaped box). The front-end loader is relentless in its task and doesn’t stop until every last one of the marbles has been dropped into the hoper. The hoper feeds the marbles into a gargantuan two-stage marble crusher and as the hoper’s chute doors are opened the marbles begin to gush down into the grinding jaws of the crusher. The miniscule marble fragments leave the first stage of the crusher and enter the pulverizer from which they exit as microscopic grains of powder even finer than that of baking powder. The powder is then scattered, like a plane dusting a farmer’s crop, throughout every square inch of space created for the new universe. Now that’s going to take some sorting out! What a game the life units have created for themselves!!!
Everything in this new universe (illusion) is in a constant state of motion.
Now that you have this image of how fantastically fractionalized, disbursed and confused the components of these universes are, I will reiterate what the game is. The basic game is for each unit of life to locate all the particles of their universe and reassemble them into the exact universe they were prior to hurling them into one another. As impossible as this sounds, it would not even take the slightest bit of effort from life to put it all back just like it was. But that would not be a game. So life reduces its knowingness to a point where there exists an enormity of unpredictable variables and the task of finding and reassembling one’s own universe is a problem of comparable magnitude to the ability of the life unit.
Note: You might be wondering what will happen once the life units have reassembled their unique universes. Well, at that precise instant of exact reassembly, the illusion ceases to exist. Game over! On to the next game…
hi Monte ..
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thanks mona nate & the rest of the girls