In this ocean of life we have mocked-up let’s take a little Dixie Cup, the size used for something like mouthwash, dip it into this ocean and fill it to the brim with life. Now let’s zoom in and take a look at our sample to see if we can tell what life is doing. What we see is life doing what life does best and that is creating. Life is creation. What is creation? Well, creation is the action of bringing something into existence. It is the action of making something out of nothing and that happens to be the greatest joy of life.
As we zoom in to get a closer look at a unit of life we see that this particular entity is mocking up a universe and from our perspective it is a very odd universe. It is all blue, or at the least, a multitude of blue harmonics. There are many unidentifiable forms in this universe. Some appear to have substance and some do not seem to have any substance at all yet still appear to possess a form. Some things are in motion while many things are completely still. There is no sound in this particular universe and there is no time here either. It is very strange indeed.
We zoom out and away from this life unit and then zoom into to observe another individual unit of life then another and another and so on. Every individual unit of life we look in on is doing the same thing i.e., creating its own unique universe (illusion) or in some cases it‘s not universe, it‘s universes. And we notice that each universe that is being created has three fundamental components. These are: energy, matter and space. And what we see is being done with these three components boggles our minds. The only word we have for what we are seeing is the word, impossible! However, having said that, all we have to do in order to have any one of these illusions become our personal reality is to simply agree with it. To whatever degree we agree with it, to that degree it becomes real to us. As has been mentioned previously, the basis of reality is agreement.
Note: In present time on Earth we have the science of physics, nuclear physics, quantum physics, etc., to assist us in understanding and working within the physical universe of matter, energy, space and time including its laws and functions. If the finite science of physics as a whole were represented by the distance from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California to the beeches of Miami, Florida; in relation to our current understanding of matter, energy, space and time ie., physics; we haven't even gotten ourselves out of California yet.
Something is going to happen very soon with the life that we earlier scooped up in our little Dixie Cup and I think that if we assume a different point of view, by way of creating an additional mock-up, we will be able to have a better understanding of what happens. So, if you don't mind, mock-up a very tall observation tower like those once constructed for the forest rangers so they could see far and wide to spot fires. Only, make this tower at least three times as tall as any of those towers you may have seen. Now, put this observation tower on top of a very tall mountain then assume a point of view looking out from the uppermost observation platform on your tower where you have a 360-degree view. Make the mountain that your tower is on the only point of any elevation within the space it occupies. In other words, all the land around your mountain, in any direction and as far as the eye can see, is completely flat and void of any forms or any life but, we're going to very quickly change that. We’re going to change that by jam packing this void of flatness full with enthusiastic, energetic and wildly animated children that are having a wonderful time playing with one another. And there are trillions of trillions of trillions of children to the nth power. If you bothered to add sound to your mock-up you will probably want to quickly mute it or just unmock the audio altogether because the blast of sound, that will hit you will be tantamount to the force generated by an atomic explosion. Ir is the unbearable roar of raw creation in the absence of any restrictions or inhibitions. This is how life looks in its native state.
Each and every child in this space is actively creating its own unique universe. They have brought energy, matter and space into existence and are arranging those components in myriad ways and they have no limits as to quantity, or for that matter, anything else. They are sharing their universes with one another and they are having a fantastic time! This is what life has.
Life loves to play games but in its native state it is impossible to have a game as life is All-Knowing. If one knows everything that will happen, one cannot have an opponent. And one cannot have the excitement of the unpredictable or experience the possibility of defeat. And in order to have a game, an opponent and a degree of unpredictability are necessary components. So what can life do to have a game? Well, what life does to handle this All-Knowing state is, it simply reduces its knowingness (puts blinders up so to speak) so that it can have an opponent and not know what the opponent is going to do. In this way it is possible for life to have a game.
Note: I am unable to describe even the most simple of the games played by life at this level. As hard as I might try to find some, there are not even any lies that I can think of to tell you that would even get you close to seeing what is being created here. However, if you look into this area on your own you might activate some of your own knowingness about these games. After all we used to play many a game on this upper level of awareness. But, I remind you, this is the space outside. And, as mentioned earlier, it is not even a space and, it is where memories were not made because memories were not needed. Memories (recordings) were not needed because everything was known and everything was in the NOW..
As you look out from your observation tower and see this wonderful sight of creation before you, I’d like you to modify your mock-up just a bit so that each child is now playing with a set of marbles, and these marbles represent their created universes and are, of course, unique to them. Now if you’re looking at these marbles from a distance they all look to be pretty much the same. The similarities, from a great distance, certainly overwhelm any differences. But if you assume a viewpoint that is much closer to the marbles, the more differences you will see. And the closer you zoom in to examine each set of marbles you will come to a point where the differences completely overwhelm any similarities. Even with all of these universes being simultaneously created, each kid remains in complete and knowing control of their own unique universe. Also, they are aware of every other universe being created by every other kid including all children outside of our Dixie cup sample. And try as you might, you are not going to be able to easily get your wits wrapped around that one. Note: we’re now moving away from using kids and children as a reference and going back to using the term life units again.
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