One by one the nonconformists were forced into “the chambers” to receive their amnesia causing blast of force. From there they were routed to “the chairs” where they received their implants of new programming. When the entire group had been processed they were loaded onto a disseminator vessel and shipped to the prison planet where they were scattered into the atmosphere. Once they were in the atmosphere of the planet an implanted program kicked in that compelled each life unit to immediately move to the surface of the planet and assume a life form to animate as their new physical identity.
This prison system is referred to as “the prison without bars.” The prisoners fully believe that they are free. And because they believe they are free they are never in a position where they feel obligated to escape. For all practical purposes they become their own jailers and even executioners.
Note: At this point Bob’s story gets tediously detailed and extended (more so than at any previous point). In fact, it could easily turn into a several hundred-page technical novel. Writing Bob’s novel is not my mission, therefore, I am going to do a major abridge of this material. The truth is Bob’s story, to some degree, is your story. At some point in time you may get your memory back or you may never get your memory back but, in any case, the heavily detailed and unabridged version of Bob’s story can wait. It is my hope, though; that eventually you will be able to fill the details of this story in for yourself and from your own point of view from where you were and what you were doing when this mess occurred. And if that process of memory recovery does not engage on this journey I postulate that it will soon begin for you.
Okay. Let’s take a brief look at the reprogramming that occurs after the amnesia blast. There are thousands of program writers utilized in this mass reprogramming effort. Many of these writers are captive artists of the state and they have, over time, become incredibly adept and creative along state approved lines. Therefore, the programs that are being written, besides being detailed to the point of absurdity, are extremely creative in a very degraded sort of way. Hey, what did you expect? Outside of the Bureau of Taxation, this is the work of the most psychotically perverted department in the whole confederacy. I’m going to just highlight some of the common fundamentals that are a part of every program.
Note: In order for the life units to be effectively programmed the programming had to be administered with pain, drugs and hypnosis (PDH) and, in this case, because they’re dealing with a disembodied life unit, the pain, drugs and hypnosis were all administered in an electronic form, that is; as wavelengths of energy in specific patterns.
The primary building block to any of these programs is conflict. Conflict with self, conflict between genders, conflict with others, conflict with authority, conflict with organisms, conflict with the environment, conflict with spirituality, conflict with god – these are primary divisions of the basic building block of conflict in these programs. This would include a variety of commands that oppose one another such as, must have – can’t have, must go – can’t go, must trust – can’t trust, must believe – can’t believe, must love – can’t love, must kill – can’t kill and so on and so forth. The installation of these opposing compulsions sticks the life unit in a perpetual chaotic mental turbulence wherein there is continuing doubt, need to restrain, failure in restraining, guilt and self-condemnation. The next fundamental, in order of importance, is mystery. In other words, this part of the program generates obsessive questioning as to who and what one is, what is their purpose in life, who are they and so on and so forth, but of course, never allows the question to be actually answered. However, the programmers have created some very ingenious “answers” to be activated whenever these questions are posed. Next on the list is a programmed prejudice toward anything perceived as different from oneself or one’s group coupled with a burning necessity to convert, by whatever means necessary, that observed difference into “my view of ‘truth’ or my group's view of 'truth'." Followed up by the program, if I can’t convert you I’ll enslave you and if you aren’t a compliant slave I’ll torture you to death. And, of course, I had better not forget to mention the betrayal program that activates right after the confidence and trust programs have been thoroughly engaged. So any program written for implantation is going to have at least myriad versions of all of these elements and many more.
As you might guess, the programs can’t help but be reflective of many of the very circumstances of life as currently being lived in the Confederation. Not to mention the programmer’s own sick oddities and peculiarities being mirrored in their writings. Because of this, certain areas such as politics, religion, family and sex, bodies, languages, money and basic survival issues are areas that have been heavily concentrated on by the programmers. Of course, conflict, mystery, prejudice and betrayal have all been meticulously and sadistically woven into the fabric of these programs.
One practice that is a favorite among the programmers is to implant a subject with an obsessive compulsion to obtain a specific goal and then rig it (booby-trap it) so that it’s impossible for the goal to ever be obtained. Just when the person has their goal right in their hands something happens to ruin it all. So the person goes through a lifetime intently striving to attain a particular goal that they’re extremely passionate about and means everything to them, but never being able to realize it. It’s always just out of reach. And if the program does allow them to realize it, the instant they have it something will occur to cause them to lose it.
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