So what was this persisting problem that was aggravating the hell out of the Confederation's Dept. of Conformity? The answer my friend, is two words – eternal life. In other words, try as they may, they had never been able to successfully terminate a life unit.
Operating within the Confederation was a small subversive group that, despite the Dept.’s best efforts and the application of their most effective technologies of punishment and behavior modification, would not stay compliant. These hard-core nonconformists would not stabilize in the perfect mold of conformity mandated by the Confederation. This miniscule fraction of life units was a festering thorn in the side of the department. It was keeping the department from having a perfect statistic of compliance from all life units in the Confederation. The Dept. hated the nonconformists. They were desperate to be able to round-up all these nonconformists and forever eradicate them from existence. And they continually had the best of their best working on the problem that would not go away. Then, one day, they got a lucky break. They got a surprise answer to their problem.
On a relatively small planet within one of the new member galaxies, an accident of considerable magnitude occurred. The accident was of such enormity that within seconds from its beginning the entire planet lost its atmosphere and all lower life forms were completely eradicated. Of course though, the life units, being both eternal and indestructible, were all in tact but as they were being collected a very odd phenomenon was observed. This oddity was immediately recognized as something very important and was urgently reported to the Dept. of Conformity. The communication was then routed to the Dept.’s special unit in charge of researching new ways to deal with nonconformists.
The affected planet, at its most recent census prior to annexation into the Confederation, had a population of twenty-five billion life units give or take a hundred thousand or so. As each life unit was retrieved, accounted for then examined, one for one, they all manifested the same phenomenon. Every single life unit from the disrupted planet was in a state of complete amnesia. They did not know where they were, what they were or who they were.
The Dept. of Conformity immediately transported all the life units they had scooped up to an isolated planet that was used by the special section on nonconformists as an experimental lab.
Okay. So they couldn’t kill a life unit but now, by way of this fortunate accident, they had discovered a particular condition that a life unit could become the effect of. This was a condition that, in all recorded history, had never been seen or even thought possible in regards to an indestructible life unit. Through their myriad experiments on the population of the destroyed planet, as well as a multitude of other experimental subjects abducted from a diversity of populations within the confederacy, they discovered that by subjecting a life unit to a sudden blast of an unthinkable degree of force, they could bring about a long-term state of complete amnesia. A state of amnesia so severe that it was impossible for the life unit to ever recover from - even after having thousands of birth, growth, death cycles within assigned body forms. The Dept. of Conformity was elated by these findings!
This milestone discovery was made early on in their research into these phenomena. What followed is a span of hundreds of years of sadistic brutality carried out in the name of scientific research and referred to as being vital experiments. The hundreds of thousands of experiments and the tremendous degree of brutality incorporated by these sadistic bastards cannot be conceived of by any life unit that still has even the smallest fragment of sanity. One just cannot confront the magnitude of evil displayed here. Any such brutality that we might have experienced or read about or heard about would pale in comparison to what occurred here.
With the research completed and having perfected the technology of how to overwhelm a life unit into a state of complete amnesia, a new strategy began to emerge from the Dept. of Conformity.
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