For the record: Life units are not energy and they have no actual wavelength (energy pattern) themselves, in fact, a life unit is the source of energy. However, a life unit can mock-up and emanate a wavelength. And, for whatever reason, life units have come to believe that they have to emanate a signature wavelength as part of an identity. This consideration and practice actually came about long, long before the Confederation was even a concept. But the fact that each life unit does emanate a signature wavelength works very well for the Confederation. Like an organism’s unique set of DNA, It makes it extremely easy for the Confederation to keep tabs on the individual life units.
Way out on the outer rim of a small little galaxy there is an insignificant little planet. It is many, many, many light years from any other confederacy populations or outposts. This planet is in a location that is definitely way off the beaten path. And in order to get there from anywhere, expansive lengths of uninhabited deep quite space have to be crossed. It is a part of space that nobody cares about because there’s nothing there of any value to care about. The Dept. of Conformity needed such a planet to make its new plan workable. They had conducted a covert search through the records of surveyors who are responsible for generating and continually updating maps of Confederation space. This planet was one of the hundreds that came up on the search as a potential planet to fit their needs.
Apparently somewhere around thirty or forty million years ago (sorry, Bob’s data is difficult to decipher here) a genetic research branch of what is now the largest organism manufacturer in the Confederation had secretly come into this area of space and established laboratories on the planet as well as a network of other such laboratories on the planets in this remote solar system. These labs were active for tens of thousands of years. Many genetic breakthroughs came out of the work originating from these particular labs that were later incorporated in the overall technology pertaining to the wholesale manufacturing and sell of living organisms. Anyway, the large quantity of the researchers’ sub-products and products from their years and years of genetic experimentation on the planet were left behind so this planet was practically spilling over with an enormous diversity and population of lower life forms that were not necessarily designed to be in the same vicinity with one another. This population included many varieties of human-like organisms as well as organisms resembling many other popular types of body forms operated by life units throughout the Confederation; for example – forms of whales, dolphins, felines, elephants, birds and an extensive variety of reptilian and insect forms. And by the way, all the lower life forms on the planet were operating totally independently of any life units and that’s exactly how they would have preferred to keep it. Life units tend to overwhelm, suppress and exert influences over lower life forms that are far from being welcome by the lower life force that is the proprietor of all lower life in the physical universe. In any case, this planet was eventually chosen as the best location for what would soon become the new prison for the despicable nonconformists.
Note: I want to attempt here to give you a perspective of where this newly chosen prison planet is in relationship to the inhabited space of the Confederation. All right, you will have to mock this up. If you will, assume a point of view where the actual location in space that you occupy as you read this is the center point of the Confederation. Now from where you are get the idea that everything within a thousand mile radius from you is Confederation controlled space. And within that space every single life form from insect to human represents an independent galaxy. Each galaxy, of course, has its own aggregation of various types and sizes of stars and solar systems. And, for additional perspective, consider that a human body is composed of one quadrillion (that’s 17 zeros) cells - these cells represent the enormous quantity of celestial bodies within just one galaxy as represented by a human body in this mock-up. How many human bodies do you suppose there are within your thousand mile radius?
Now way out at the edge of Confederation space is a small galaxy (the size of a tiny sugar ant) wherein there is a miniscule little solar system and this is the solar system we’re interested in. If you were to mockup planet earth as representing the entire scope of Confederation space and then you were to go out and pick up the smallest granule of sand that you could possibly find and in that granule locate a single molecule, and in that molecule you locate the atom, and in that atom you spot the electron orbiting the nucleus of the atom…there! That electron represents a complete solar system and within that solar system is the planet that has just been designated to be the prison planet for the nonconforming scourge of the universe. Need I say more? This tiny seemingly insignificant little planet is a long, long, long, very long way from inhabited Confederation space.
As a side note: All the space and various galaxy, star and solar systems outside of Confederation controlled space is where the Confederation is constantly expanding its control and assimilating countless civilizations as it does. But, what the Confederation is completely unaware of is that, just a few thousand billion light years away, there are thousands of other so-called confederations extant out in that space that would make this Confederation look like a molehill next to Mount Everest.
The Dept. of Conformity had a pretty good idea where most of the nonconformists were located. They were known for having a propensity for staying near each other and this behavior made it a lot easier for the Dept. The Dept.’s mission was to round-up all the nonconformists, blast each nonconforming life unit with a quantity of force sufficient enough to cause amnesia, implant each life unit with a variety of new behavioral programs and then ship them all off in a disseminator cargo ship to be dumped out into the atmosphere of the prison planet.
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