One day while Bob is away at work, where by the way, people he has worked closely with for years and considered to be his close friends treat him like he has the plague, three men gain access to Bob’s home. They spend the entire day meticulously going through everything in the house. They find nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary. The whole time they are looking the black sphere is sitting out in plain sight on the coffee table in the living room. They never see it.
Over the next three weeks every member of the group has their home thoroughly searched. In each search nothing dangerous, or even suspect, is found.
The investigators are perplexed. What is being missed? That is the question. A new strategy of offense is laid down. At the next meeting of this group they will make a surprise visit en masse. Of course, the living quarters, phones, cars, work places and the homes of relatives and friends of each member of the dangerous and now “formidable” cult are bugged. Surveillance is extremely tight - nothing will be missed!
At the next meeting the sphere is being passed around as usual. Some new ideas are being originated and seem even wilder than anything that has ever been presented before. It’s okay. They’ve gotten used to it. To this group, anything is possible. The group is completely oblivious to the fact their meeting is not only being heard by a nearby well armed group of men and women, but everything in the meeting is also being viewed via the various hidden micro HD video cameras that were planted the day Bob’s house was searched.
Then it happens. Something very strange occurs. While one of the twenty-nine is turning, lifting and dropping the sphere repeatedly in her hands, she is practically startled out of her wits when a little door suddenly pops open. She moves so quickly that she seems to levitate off her chair and in an instant she’s next to Bob who was sitting a good ten feet away. As if it were a scalding hot potato, she immediately tosses the sphere to him. He manages to catch it without a fumble and immediately begins to cautiously inspect where the door popped open. As he peers into the small opening he believes he sees something inside.
Now the agents who are observing this event on their monitors are beside themselves. They can’t see or hear a damn thing other than the crazy talk that always goes on at these meetings. Of course, they have never see the sphere and tonight’s no different. However, they do see a sudden commotion taking place and that must mean something big is up. They ready their weapons in preparation for the inevitable. Just a word, that’s all it will take to set them in motion. Of course, to these people every single person in this group of twenty-nine is a menacing lunatic and should be swiftly eradicated. But....something else is in store.
Bob continues to peer through the little open door that has suddenly appeared on the sphere. He sees what appears to be a very small lever inside. As he’s going about his inspection he’s giving the group a verbal play by play. He informs the group, “No mistake about it, there is a small lever inside the sphere. Now what?” As if in a unified roar, torrents of questions simultaneously pour forth from everyone. After what seems like hours, but is in actuality only a few minutes of discussion, a consensus is reached. It is agreed that Bob, because he was the one that found the sphere, will reach in and pull the lever. This group, after months of tossing this thing around and posing sometimes the most absurd ideas as to what it might be, are desperate for some answers. Tonight a door, both literally and metaphorically, has popped open exposing a lever. It must be pulled! And Bob is more up for this than he has ever been for anything in his life.
Bob, holding the sphere in his left hand, very delicately squeezes his right index finger through the little opening. His finger completely filling the passageway causes him to lose any sight of the lever. But he definitely feels it. Ever so gently he wiggles it a tiny bit. It moves easily. He begins to slowly push the lever away from its beginning position. At the point, about a millisecond before the lever locks into its new position, time abruptly stands still for Bob.
During this pause in time part of a life’s long occluded memories are once again his to view. He knows exactly what this sphere is, why it’s here and what, because he has pulled the lever down, it is now going to do.
Bob’s mental machinery whirrs into high gear and begins to open the long sealed shut archives of a series of memory banks that he was totally unaware of. He is suddenly transported elsewhere in time and space.
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