The Department of Conformity, in liaison with other special police units of the Confederation, worked in tandem to make this a successful mission. The Dept.’s forces went out and set up traps to aid in the capture of the nonconformists. Many of these traps were baited with aesthetics. Life units are highly attracted to aesthetics. One of the reasons is that the wavelength of aesthetics, which, by the way, is a straight line, approximates the no wavelength actuality of the life unit. Remember, any wavelength the life unit is going around emanating is only mocked-up and is an illusion. Anyway, the traps are baited and the traps along with the other enacted plans eventually result in all nonconforming life units being located and captured.
Note: the capture of the nonconformists did not come easy or quick for the Dept. of Conformity. It was a mission that took a very long time to complete. Bob’s story as it has been given to me has much data about the Dept. carrying out this capture process of the nonconformists. I must confess that as the material was incredibly tedious I didn’t even make the attempt to move my awareness into it.
So who are these horrible nonconformists? Well, the life units that comprise this group may surprise you. Of course, it contains the worst of the worst in regards to the known criminals and villains of the Confederation. These particular life units were mentally fixated in past incidents when they were attempting to not be overwhelmed by their enemy. Therefore, being stuck in a moment of severe life or death conflict in the past (in other words, never being in the present time), they were compelled to be in constant battle against anything and everything in the present that to them was still perceived to be the past. In simple words, these life units were insane and they sure weren't helping to better anything. But other nonconformists captured also included the best of the best of artists, managers, executives, engineers, architects, scientists and geniuses (to name a few). And, last but certainly not least, the freedom fighters are in this notorious group. But it is, by far, the artists who are considered to be the worst of all the nonconformists and even more dangerous than the most insane criminals.
This collection of life units never conformed. They would not let themselves become robotic pawns of the Confederation’s rule. Except for the criminals, the life units in this group were very aware of the degenerating and degradation downward spiral that the Confederation was on. They worked relentlessly to enlighten others to this condition in hopes of turning the downward plunge of life around. They championed many a rebellion and did manage to somewhat inhibit the progress and growth of the Confederation. But they were constantly hounded and persecuted by the powers that be. And the Dept. made sure that the societies of the Confederation at large perceived these hardened nonconformists to be the scourge of the universe and public enemy number one. Also, as far as life units go in regards to orders of magnitude, between the criminals and nonconformists there was nothing less than a grizzly bear with more than a few elephants and even a few blue whales. So, as easily observed by the effects they created, these were certainly some formidable and rather large and powerful life units.
This group of criminals and nonconformists, though, were not nearly the complete roster of those destined for the prison planet. The criminals made up only about two percent of the prisoners and the nonconformists made up only eighteen percent. So who made up the remaining eighty percent?
The Dept. of Conformity had been at odds with the nonconformists for eons. And all this time neither one had been able to get the upper hand and keep it for any length of time. The nonconformists were fighting the Dept. in any way they could whether it be overtly or covertly. The nonconformists were extremely antipathetic to the Dept.’s horrendously brutal techniques of behavior modification and worked tirelessly to end it. Ironically, though, it was the existence and the persistent attacks of the nonconformists that served as the continual motivation for the Dept. The dept kept its best behavior modification scientists working around the clock to come up with a way to once and for all stop the nonconformists. This constant research by this highly specialized unit resulted in many new breakthroughs in the field of behavior modification technologies that went into broad use on the population at large throughout the Confederation. And these technologies may very well never have come into existence had it not been for the never ending resistance of nonconformists.
When the nonconformists were finally brought down, there was suddenly a huge void in the Dept. of Conformity. The game was over. They had won. Their nemesis for what had seemed like an eternity was no more. After all the celebrating and hoopla regarding the capture and exile of the nonconformists was concluded, the entire Dept. of Conformity slipped into a severe state of depression. The solution to this dire state of affairs came in the form of coming up with a new nemesis. Of course, there was no comparable adversary to the nonconformists but desperate times call for desperate measures. So the dept began to randomly round up, from around the Confederation, any citizen that had been reported as being "chronic" at not being competent at their job or on their post. For example: The Confederation had an unbelievably suppressive and complicated labyrinth of tax systems. The Bureau of Taxation was a sadistic political entity that sucked the very life-blood from the citizens, especially the working class citizens, of the Confederation. Anyway, the Bureau was insane on details and occasionally some low-level admin personnel would neglect to cross a “t” or dot and “i” (literally) and that would be that. It would be off to behavior modification with him or her. And if this type of offense occurred more than twice it was off to the amnesia chamber and then onto the prison planet. So eighty percent of the prison planet’s prisoner population was made up of similar idiotic cases to this one. And who knows, maybe somewhere in that group there might have actually been a life unit or two that was at least sentimental to the nonconformists’ cause. Now as far as the order of magnitude of the life units that made up this eighty percent, it was predominately somewhere in between wolves and field mice.
When the Dept. made its announcement to the entire Confederation about the successful capture of the nonconformists and that they were going to be exiled to a far off prison, there was rejoicing and celebration to excess among the vast number of populations from one side of the Confederation to the other. The evil nonconformists were no more!
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