
This story begins with the post "Hello" and that first post is archived in March of 2010.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Checkmate... - #20 in the series

Bob pulled his attention out of his memory bank files and back into present time. He now focused his full attention onto the disseminator ship headed for the very, very remote little planet located way out on the rim of a small galaxy.

The cargo of this ship was a vast assortment of devices that were calibrated to frequencies that made them invisible to the prisoners on the planet.  The devices were in many different forms.  Some looked just like a book, some were exact copies of various familiar insects, some looked like rodents, some were boxes, some were spheres and so on and so forth.  If someone did happen across one of these devices and was able to see it then that meant that the person was emanating the same frequency of vibration as that of the device.  The fact that the prisoner was emanating this particular frequency revealed that the person was experiencing memory leakage of a specific kind.  The devices were calibrated to a multitude of different frequencies that scanned the environment for a frequency that duplicated that of the device.  When a match was found, the device would put itself in the path of the person.  The person would see it, have his or her attention compelled to lock onto the device and pick it up.  At this point, depending on the type of leakage, indicated by the frequency, the devices were programmed to do many different things.  One thing, though, that all the devices had in common was that once picked up, the device would go into a period of standby for various periods of time depending on how the device was programmed.  The purpose of this was to give the target time enough to locate other similar prisoners.  It was typical that prisoners that would begin to experience memory leakage would be drawn to others having the same type of leakage.  Their like frequencies would draw them together but without any awareness of the fact on their part. They just knew that they enjoyed being around one another.  Anyway, after a certain period of time when others, if there were others, came on the scene, the device would activate.  Of course, if there were others, they would be compelled to touch the device at which time the device made a recording of their unique identifying wavelength.

The devices did different things when they activated.  The one thing that they all did was emanate a specialized frequency of energy that would seal the leakage and basically act as a booster blast for the amnesia. But beyond this basic function there were devices with "accessories." For example: Some devices would project angel-like or god-like holograms that would give eloquent speeches and command the people to go off and do all sorts of odd things (many religions came into existence this way.  In fact, there are a few of these guys who have programs on present time TV.).  Some devices were designed to activate various programs in the lower mind that, until this point in time, had just floated along with the person in an inactivated dormant state.  Now, suddenly, this irrational program is activated and the person abruptly dedicates the rest of their life to discovering the true meaning of the June bug's reproductive cycle, or why chimpanzees are chimpanzees or isolating exactly why mice make a squeaking noise or something of the sort.  Or, worse, the person is suddenly compelled to kill, in a certain manner, any woman that fits an extremely precise profile or some such insanity.  And on and on it goes. 

Then some devices (usually sphere shaped) are programmed to detect and ratify cases of severe memory leakage.  These devices emit an invisible disintegrator wave that completely eradicates, without any visible evidence, the organism of anyone emanating a certain frequency. The device also blacks out the memory of anyone else who happens to be nearby but not manifesting the frequency. After such an occurrence the life units emanating frequencies matching the device suddenly find themselves once again captive at a Dept. of Conformity prison outpost operated by some technicians that are readying themselves to have some sadistic fun with their new arrivals.
Back at Bob's house with the group of twenty-nine......

As Bob heard and felt the click from the lever as it locked into its new position, he knew exactly what was going to happen next. Checkmate.

Life Force - #19 in the series

Now this may sound rather idiotic, but a life unit is a unit of life. As covered earlier, life units vary in order of magnitude from one to the next. Life units have x amount of life force in ratio to their own unique order of magnitude. Again, here’s a quantitative factor in regards to a life unit. When a life unit collides with the physical universe, while operating an organism, there is a degree of confusion that occurs. And, as we have discussed, the lower mind is brought online in these moments of impact, pain and unconsciousness so that everything that occurs during these incidents is recorded. But something else also happens during these finite moments of pain, unconsciousness and confusion. A degree of the life unit’s life force is somehow trapped and encapsulated within the confused energy of the lower mind and is held captive there in a unrelenting state of turbulence. This particular mechanic, of course, reduces the amount of life force that is available to the life unit. In effect this occurrence reduces the rational capability, intelligence and power of the life unit and the life unit is now predisposed to think and behave irrationally.

Well, as mentioned earlier, the life units have had minds for a very, very long time and during the course of this time they have had many, many collisions with the physical universe (such as hitting a hand with a hammer a few trillion times and much, much worse) and with each collision a fraction of confused life force was trapped and held captive by the lower mind. And each time the amount of free and pure life force available to the life unit became, to some degree, less. Thereby reducing the life unit’s abilities of reason and power.

Note: Life force is the essence of a life unit. Essentially the life force IS the life unit. They are one and the same.

As this process continues over time, the amount of trapped life force accumulates. And so long as the amount of free life force is greater than what is trapped the life unit can still hold its position against the irrational influences and commands exerted on it by the irrational mind and keep it held back and contained. However, there comes a time when a point is reached where the amount of free life force is equaled by the amount of trapped life force that is in a state of never ending confusion and agitation. The trapped life force is exerting a force, albeit a highly confused and turbulent force, against the free life force and this force against force, being equal creates a huge standing ridge of energy – and then comes another collision after which the irrational mind takes the upper-hand. This means that the free life force remaining is now in a condition where it can be much more easily overwhelmed, agitated, influenced and commanded via the contents of the recordings stored in the lower mind that are being “switched on” by circumstances in present time that approximate, in some way, the contents of a lower mind recording.

To put this in perspective, imagine the Empire State Building and let’s say that huge structure represents the trapped life force in the lower mind. To represent the amount of free and pure life force remaining, get the mental image of a postage stamp and hold it up next to the Empire State building and there you have a visual ratio between free life force and trapped life force. There isn’t a life unit one known to be in the Confederation, including the bulk of the nonconformists, that isn’t somewhere near this ratio of trapped versus free life force and that’s regardless of the life units order of magnitude. In other words, this ratio is relative to the order of magnitude of the life unit.

In view of the fact that we have been discussing life force, let’s see if we can get ourselves a better perspective regarding the power of free and pure life force. Lets take a life unit on the order of magnitude of a baby mouse. For the purposes of our example, the life force of this very small life unit is still completely free. It does not possess one speck of trapped or turbulent life force. If you were to meet and communicate with this particular life unit you would be one hundred percent certain that you had just been communicating with God Almighty. There is such an enormous quantity of intention, reason, understanding, compassion, love, power, creative force, etc. represented by the free life force of this one small life unit that this life unit, alone, is capable of manifesting an entire duplicate universe of the entire extant physical universe. This should give you an idea of how far down the dwindling spiral the life units have come.

The Dept. of Conformity knew a great deal about the mind and especially the mechanics of the lower mind. As the Confederation always looked at any new information or technology from the viewpoint of, how it could be used to make life more controllable, obedient and subservient i.e., a slave. That crew at the Dept. of Conformity never thought once about trying to repair and rehabilitate a mind. In any case, the research scientists of the dept. had really hit “pay dirt” with their research more than once over the millenniums, and they knew how to use the lower mind against the life unit, the rational mind of the life unit and the organism the life unit was associated with. In other words, they knew exactly how to write the programs and exactly how and when to install them in order to make them extremely effective in controlling life units.

More Mechanics of the Lower MInd - #18 in the series

The lower mind is the primary mind (perhaps it’s the only mind...Bob's notes are not clear on this) of the lower life forms. How it came to be part of the mind that the life unit uses will be discussed later. And while it might be workable as a tool of survival for a lower life form, it works just the opposite in regards to a life unit. The lower mind is not a logical mind. It is a stimulus response mind. Its memory filing system is quite crude, certainly no comparison to the sophisticated multilevel systems of the higher mind. The lower mind is incapable of differentiation. It does not distinguish any difference between past, present and future, which means that all its recordings are filed as happening in present time. “Now” is the only moment it recognizes in regards to time. Three other elements that are part of each recording made by the lower mind are impact, pain and unconsciousness. And the pain in the recordings is what gives the memories stored in the lower mind of the life unit power to apply sufficient force to the rational operation of the higher mind and override it. This is not a good thing. Now there is one more element that, if it’s part of a recording made by this mind, can wreck havoc on the operational effectiveness of the higher mind and the life unit. This element I’m referring to is language. Now in the lower life form’s mind language is not a detrimental factor but in the case of the operation of the life units’ lower mind, language is an extremely detrimental factor. All language in recordings of the lower mind is recorded as being literal. And, all language in these recordings, because of the inclusion of pain, has force (command value), which brings about very bad effects on the operation of the higher mind and the life unit. Remember, this is the mind of the crooked line. One cannot make sense out of what is in this mind because what is in this mind does not make any sense to begin with. However, that being said, in working with our higher minds we manage to come up with some of the wildest and most ludicrous answers possible in our attempts to explain and rationalize the actions and results spawned out of the lower mind.

All recordings, including the complete detailed content of these recordings, in this lower mind are filed as being identical or similar and they all equal, to greater and lesser degrees, pain and unconsciousness. Like I said, the filing system in this mind is very crude in comparison to that of the higher mind. But this mind does compartment off recordings into a few separate areas. For example, there is the compartment having to do with self, there is a compartment having to do with creation and that includes family and sex, and then there’s compartments that have to do with others, there is compartment having to do with the species the life unit is pretending to be a part of, there is a compartment having to do with all plant and animal life, there is a compartment having to do with the components of the physical universe i.e., matter, energy, space and time, there is a compartment having to do with life units and there is a compartment having to do with infinity and there may even be a few others. Now being that this mind functions totally as a stimulus-response mind it has to first receive stimulus in order to respond. Anything in the present time environment of the life unit, if in some way is similar to even a speck of content in the lower mind, can act as a switch i.e., the stimulus, which activates a response from the lower mind. And any response from this mind is always irrational and inappropriate. And because of the pain and unconsciousness part of the content of the recording, as well as any language that might happen to be in the recording’s content, the response exerts command over the operation of the higher mind, the organism and the life unit. The lower mind’s response, which is actually a certain grouping of recordings, as it relates to a life unit, is always a wrong answer.

One way we can visualize this lower mind is to compare it to a typical electrical panel or, as it is sometimes referred to, “breaker box“. As I’m sure you know, the electrical panel is located where the electrical service enters into a building from the outside. Inside the panel the main current of electricity is divided into independent circuits and each circuit is controlled by its own breaker switch. If a breaker switch is switched to the “on” position, a certain amount of electrical current is allowed to flow into the circuit that is controlled by that switch. If the breaker is switched to the off position no electrical current will flow into that circuit. Okay, using the electrical panel as an analogy, imagine such a panel that is filled with hundreds of thousands of breakers. In this imagined breaker box, each breaker represents a finite recording made by the lower mind. Each recording has a beginning, a middle and an end and each recording is loaded with many gigabytes of data. As the life unit moves through life and living, things in the present time environment that approximate something in one of these recordings, in the right circumstances, can cause that particular breaker to switch on and the content of that recording begins to run and has an adverse affect upon the life unit.

Until a particular lower mind recording is switched on it will just float along in time remaining dormant and exerting no adverse effect upon the higher mind, the life unit or the organism. However, once a particular memory is switched on it will exert an adverse effect on the higher mind, the organism and the life unit for usually several days (a week or so) and then minimize into a sort of stand-by mode for the remainder of that organism’s life. But in this stand-by mode it takes incredibly little to reactivate it and have it once again take control of the operation of the organism and life unit. And if the life unit happens to be so unlucky as to be living in an environment that is acting as a held down switch (switch locked in activation mode) for the lower mind, the activated recordings will be exerting control over the higher mind, the organism and the life unit 24-7. In which case, the life unit usually just concludes that this manner of acting and behaving is just “the way he or she is.” In other words, the life unit mistakenly identifies its irrational behavior that’s actually being enforced upon it by the lower mind, to be what he or she is. It’s insidious!

The mechanical form of this lower mind having its recordings compartmented as to what they’re in reference to, means that you can have a perfectly “normal” person that happens to enter an environment where something switches on a breaker within that enormous “breaker box” and causes the person to display an inappropriate irrational response to the extant set of circumstances. For example, it could be the lower mind’s storage compartment having to do with family and sex that something in the present environment triggers a particular breaker to switch to the “on” position. The activated recording takes over control and the person begins acting out the highly irrational and inappropriate content of the recording in present time meaning, in this example, the person becomes a sexual pervert. However, as far as this person’s behavior goes in other areas of life, such as how he performs and acts at work is quite rational. Perhaps he’s well known and admired for his athletic abilities and high degree of good sportsmanship or he might be recognized as a “pillar of the community” in reference to his civic service. In any case, this simply means that this person, in those areas, has not experienced a set of circumstances that has acted to switch on a breaker and activate an irrational response from one of the compartments in the lower mind that pertains to those areas of existence. Hence, the situation of any one person being “totally insane” is highly unlikely. To be totally insane they would have to have every compartment and sub-compartment in the lower mind in a state of simultaneous activation.

One more thing and that is, the contents of the lower mind are highly contagious in a progressive geometric sort of way. This means that a person who is being controlled by their lower mind, which means they are acting and behaving as dictated by “crooked thought,” can pass their irrationality on to anyone else that happens to be in a receptive state, i.e., to some degree experiencing a moment of impact, pain and unconsciousness. This particular mechanic of the lower mind is why it is so important to remain totally silent (definitely no talking) around anyone who is experiencing and degree of unconsciousness and pain and that includes anyone who has just received some bad news or is in a state of depression. Any words spoken around a person who is experiencing some degree of pain and unconsciousness are words that are being recorded in the lower mind as being literal commands. There is a possibility that these recordings might sooner or later be triggered by something in the person’s environment and go into action creating an adverse impact on the individual, the individual’s mind and the organism the individual is operating. Not to mention the ripple effect out into the person’s environment where it infects others.

There is so much more detailed information available on the mind in Bob’s story but I just can’t, as much as I would like to, get into those files right now. As it is, I’m already digressing more onto this topic than I intended and, due to the tediousness of this subject, you might be feeling a bit bogged down about now. But, please try to hang in there as there is one more point that I do want to tack on here at the end about the mind and the life unit and then we’ll move on. Speaking of moving on, you might be pleased to hear that we’re going to be leaving Bob’s story here pretty soon and be going off to a place that is far far away in time from here. In fact, where we're going there is no time. However, before we backtrack our steps through the looking glasses and come back to what’s “real,” there will be one or two more segments of Bob’s story that I’ll write down for you in the Space Outside.

The Lower Mind - #17 in the series

The lower mind records in image form the same way as the higher level mind. Its recordings are also made as energy imprints in picture form and include all the percepts as those recorded by the higher mind. The life unit, however, has no awareness of this mind or the content of its memory banks. This mind and its contents are buried beneath the awareness of the life unit and are closed off to access by the life unit. If a life unit, at present time on earth, does contemplate the existence of this lower mind, it is usually in reference to the speculations and significances generated and disseminated by the field of psychology regarding what is referred to as the subconscious or unconscious mind. Also some spiritual practices refer to this mind as the "ego self" or the "me" as opposed to being the "I". In any case, either concept of subconscious or unconscious mind as put forth is completely arbitrary and copiously littered with falsehoods. In examining this lower mind it would be best if one would disabuse themselves of any former authoritative data received regarding the subconscious or unconscious mind. But, then again, don’t you accept a word of this. Remain skeptical and continually compare this new information to your own perceptions of reality and what is true for you.

The lower mind is a rugged mind. It is designed to take over the duty of recording and filing everything that happens to the life unit when the life unit has gone unconscious and the higher mind has been temporarily turned off. This condition occurs when the life unit collides too forcefully with the physical universe resulting in pain and unconsciousness. For example, when the nonconformists were subjected to the tremendous amnesia producing force, their higher mind would shut down, the life unit, not being able to confront that degree of force, went unconscious but the lower mind was right there recording everything that occurred.

When I say pain and unconscious I’m speaking in terms of degrees of. As a demonstration, place one of your hands palm down on a solid flat surface. Now grab a piece of paper, napkin, business card or the like and using that paper product hit this hand as hard as you can. So what happens? Not much. Right? While force and impact were a part of this action the degree of impact was not sufficient to pull more than a small fraction of your attention from your immediate surroundings onto your hand and the point of contact where the paper struck it. Now grab a pen or pencil and hold it up and just let it drop onto your hand. The impact of the pen or pencil hitting your hand, while being greater than the paper, does still not pull more than a fraction of your attention from your immediate surroundings to your hand and the point of impact. Okay. Go get yourself a hammer. Now take the hammer and mock-up hitting your hand as hard as you possibly can. Well, in reality, if you were to actually hit your hand with the hammer, the instant that hammer strikes your hand there is sufficient impact, and now pain is there too, in the blow that your complete attention is pulled from your immediate environment to the precise point of impact and pain. In that moment, your body most likely did not fall over totally unconscious but you were, for all practical purposes, unconscious of your immediate environment. In this moment of impact, pain and unconsciousness; the life unit has essentially withdrawn, the higher-level mind stops recording and the lower level mind, not missing a beat, activates and records everything going on, all fifty plus perceptions, in 24th of a second increments. As the pain subsides, the life unit slowly returns its attention to the area i.e., consciousness, first to the injury then moving further and further out into the immediate environment, the lower mind passes the torch, so to speak, back to the higher mind and goes into standby mode. So here we have a finite period in time that includes degrees of pain and unconsciousness where the lower mind took over the recording and filing duties for the higher mind and all those recordings are stored in memory banks that are beneath the awareness of the life unit. The life unit doesn’t even have a clue that any recordings were even made. However, the life unit does have an awareness of a few moments of being stunned and sort of “blacked out.” Now, what happens in that incident where the lower mind is engaged and recording, has the potential to be very detrimental to the life unit.

If you were to draw a picture to represent the concept of reason or rationality it would simply be the drawing of a straight line going from point A to point B. If you were to apply force against this straight line of reason the line would bend and become crooked. It would cease to go from A to B and now might twist around or zig zag randomly from point to point. This crooked line represents irrationality. The Latin word aberrare means to deviate from or wander away from. The English forms of the word aberrare we use instead are, aberrant, aberrate or aberration. You could say that aberration is force applied against reason to such an extent that it pushes reason off its course. In any event, the higher mind is a mind of reason or the rational mind or the mind of the straight line. The lower mind is the aberrated mind. It is the irrational mind or the mind of the crooked line and it has the power to apply sufficient amounts of force against the inherent reason of the life unit to aberrate the rational behavior of the life unit by adversely affecting the rational operations of the higher mind.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Mind - #16 in the series

Reality Factor: We are soon going to be leaving Confederation space and time. I realize that our journey through this time is anything but light and airy. However, it is where we have begun our journey to the space outside and it is what it is. Before we leave the Confederation there is still a few more things to learn. In fact, learning about these things is critical to our overall journey. I know what is coming may get a bit too technical and therefore arduous to progress through but please hang in there.

The Mind

Note: This section of material can easily become confusing, therefore, I suggest that as you proceed in reading this section, if you do find yourself becoming confused, get some paper and something to draw with and then sketch out diagrams in order to better visualize the various relationships amongst the numerous components addressed.

We have been covering all of this information regarding implants and programs but there’s been no address given as to how the implants are implanted into the life unit. Well, they aren’t exactly implanted into the life unit. In order to understand something about this process we have to understand something about how the mind operates (not the brain).

I know. Separating the mind out from the brain and seeing the two as being totally different from one another is not that easy for those of us who have been so thoroughly and continually indoctrinated with the notion that they are one and the same. But the truth is they are not the same and they are not anything alike.

The brain is part of the organism composite of which the lower life force is the proprietor. The organism’s brain is an incredibly complex switchboard relaying information and direction throughout and between the various other systems of the body via a network of sub-switchboards. The organism does have a mind and does have memories but this is not the mind of the life unit. The life unit animates and commands the organism by way of knowingly or unknowingly impinging its directives via thought impulses against the glandular-system (in particular, the pituitary gland) switchboard, which then converts these emotional impulses into action via the motor controls of the organism. Essentially, the glandular system is an apparatus that has been designed and engineered to be a translator of thought. And thought, as by now you know, is not composed of physical matter, energy, space or time.

First off, in actuality, the life unit’s mind is about as necessary to the life unit as a load of rocks are to the functioning of your car. In other words, the mind is an unnecessary additive. However, it is an additive that life units brought into existence many, many eons prior to the inception of the Confederation and over a very long span of time they have utterly convinced themselves that they must have one for survival and have therefore become thoroughly enmeshed with their minds. The mind, unlike the organism, has no life force. It is not an entity although it may seem like one. The mind is a highly sophisticated and complex machine. It is the ne plus ultra of a recording and computing device and that’s about all it is. The mind is a recording, filing and computing machine that makes its recordings of the environment in picture form at the rate of about one picture every twenty-fourth of a second. The pictures/recordings are actually energy imprints of a finite moment in time and they are filed in chronological sequence and stored in the memory banks of the mind. The filing system is incredibly complex and it has an abundance of multi-layer cross-reference systems that would make the most brilliant computer software writer for enormous data bank management in the Confederation permanently green with envy. Also, the speed at which it can file, retrieve and analyze data is not anything you could believe.

A typical recording includes over fifty separate perceptions and it’s a recording reflecting what the life unit is focused on from its point of view. Besides the perceptions that you would expect to be in the recording, like sight, sound, smell, taste, color or absence of color; there are also sub-category perceptions of temperature, the different rates of motion from any moving particle in the picture, gamma rays, cosmic rays, emotions, tone, language, pressures on the body, body position and relation to other points of dimension, evaluations, thoughts, decisions, level of consciousness, other identities, their emotions, tone and so on. All of these and many more are typical content in each recording (energy imprint) that the mind makes every 24th of a second.

You might be wondering how long an average mind has been making these recordings. I can’t say for sure, and looking through Bob’s data here, I can find no specific mention of this detail but from things I have assimilated here and there from Bob’s story I can only offer an inference. All I can tell you is that if you were able to perceive the length of time an average mind belonging to a life unit has been in operation, you would believe that you must certainly be looking at eternity. Now, take that concept, as ambiguous as it is, then imagine a recording being made every 24th of a second and those fifty plus perceptions in each recording. Now imagine what the mind’s memory banks must look like. As you can easily see, the content of the life unit’s mind could not, in any way, be contained within the physical cells of the brain of a human organism, or for that matter, the brain of any other organism. Nor could they be contained within the most advanced memory capabilities of any computer. “So where is the mind kept?” you ask. Well, the best I can tell you is that it accompanies the life unit and is kept in the vicinity of the life unit in the form of highly organized energy. The life unit takes its mind wherever it goes and that, of course, includes organism to organism. And that’s all I am able to tell you right now.

In the mind there is a line of demarcation. Above the line the life unit has conscious awareness of and the potential for total access to every single recording; images with all perceptions (memories), the mind has ever recorded. There is differentiation observed from one recording to another, there is a distinction of time and discernment in the terms of past, present and future and progressive sequences and there is an ability to combine pictures in order to make new images (imagination). And, imagination is recognized as being imagination and not mistaken for reality or actuality. By the way, any access or use of the mind by the life unit is, of course, also recorded. In any case, the mind is a tool that the life unit uses to survive. A life unit accesses a multitude of recordings and uses the data in the memories to both pose and resolve problems, pass exams, chose a mate, learn, extrapolate, speculate on future events, predict consequences and so on.

Below the line of demarcation there exists a lower level of mind. And it is this lower mind that was utilized by the Dept. of Conformity’s programmers to effectively program the captured life units.

The Implant Programs - #15 in the series

Another favorite of the programmers, especially when they’ve run into a creative block and can’t think of anything else, is to implant the datum, “The next one is The One.”   This particular implanted command really gives a lot of “bang for the buck” because it can be stuck on absolutely anything and generates tons of chaos and misery that ripples out far and wide into the periphery. You might wonder how this one works.  Well, let’s say you have this guy or girl who, on one hand, has a basic pro-survival purpose and drive to find a mate, marry and procreate so as to ensure the continued existence of the species.  But every time they happen to meet a prospective mate and begin to move toward a solid relationship, the implant: “The next one is The One.” kicks in and they’re suddenly off chasing someone else, the next one – the one.  They’ll go along with this new person for a while with all looking great then the implant kicks in again and they’re immediately in pursuit of the next one – the one.  And so on and so on throughout their lifetime the cycle continues to repeat.  Although I’ve used the example of a relationship, imagine how this implant might affect a career, religious belief, political belief, etc. Like I said, this implant can be attached to anything.

Note: Again, Bob has downloaded so much material in regard to this programming of the prisoners that it’s literally mind-boggling. And this makes it extremely difficult to decide what to include and what to leave out. I am going to include another implant program that is in the category of family and sex but I’m not even going to get into the implants that are specifically crafted for politics and religion. I can tell you, though, these perverted bastards had themselves a real moment of creative inspiration when it came to the isms, the ists the ologies and the ologists. Ummm….on second thought, I will tell you something about this area of programming with regards to religion.

Now, what I am about to tell you may really hit you at your core beliefs, but as we continue our journey you will come to see how what I am about to reveal to you is what it is. A very powerful and effective control program that was installed was the Heaven and Hell program. This program also included angels, demons, gods, rituals and so on and so forth.

Most of the programmers on this assignment originated from societies’ lower class distinctions that have no choice but to be wired into bodies that had no gender.  Because of this they had no personal reality regarding anything to do with sex.  Therefore, they required instruction along sex lines and, because the instruction was incompetent, there were many misunderstandings and confusions that occurred but were never fully sorted out.  And, due to this situation, these programmers introduced some very peculiar elements into some of their program implants designed for the family and sex category.  One of the types of programs they seemed to have had an affinity for was based in creating sexual conflict by using two-staged implants.  The first stage of the implant would command the life unit to compulsively demand to have either a male or female gendered body.  The second stage of the implant would kick in at some point after the life unit had taken possession of and was animating the body.  The second stage command compelled the life unit to be the opposite sex from the body they occupied.

The two-staged implants where exceptionally popular in the family and sex category and there was a plethora of variations to these particular implants.  One of the reasons that the family and sex category was such a favorite among the programmers was that this category was a point of confluence among multiple survival urges.  Here we have a life unit, in a state of total amnesia, and programmed to obsess over bodies, in fact, the life unit has been programmed to completely identify with the body, that is; the body IS the life unit, the life unit IS the body - there is no distinction, the body and the life unit are one and the same.  And the implant dictates that there is only one body and only one lifetime so “care for the body,” “worship the body” become, for all practical purposes, religious mantras, which form the fundamental concepts that societies and civilizations are built around.  And of course, injury and death are to be resisted at all costs. There is also an obsession to ensure that there will always be new bodies arriving on the scene to replace the bodies that die.  But this obsession, ironically, comes from an implant that commands the life unit to, upon body death, take possession of a new body because if it doesn’t it will cease to exist – no body = no identity.  This particular implant is why when a society begins to slowly go by the boards –starving to death, for example - there is a surge of reproduction activity in a last ditch attempt to ensure that there will be new bodies available to replace the ones that are dying. Note: The baby boomers, despite what ever else has been cited as the cause, were actually a result of a surge of reproduction activated by the sudden presence of atomic energy being used destructively on the planet.   So procreation is an implanted must if the life unit is going to continue to exist through a particular species of organism. But this is often just the first stage of another type of two-stage implant that’s slipped into the mix. While the first stage demands reproduction the second stage demands that the life unit has a complete intolerance and repulsion for children.  So there are more than a few things going on with the life unit in regards to bodies.  But what about the body itself? What about that lower life form?

The life that is the life of organisms is a separate life force from life units.  It is a much lower harmonic of life than a life unit.  But like a life unit this level of life is also indestructible. This is the life force that is the architect, designer and engineer behind the genes, chromosomes, DNA, etc. and all that implies of any and all organisms. When the organism this lower life force is operating dies the life force moves into a new form of the same species of organism.  Now this level of life obviously has awareness but it is not aware of being aware (big difference).  Its prime directive, though, is to survive and its primary way of doing that is to constantly reengineer the organism that it is involved with to be equipped for better survival.  Therefore, this level of life welcomes death as another opportunity to evaluate the weaknesses of the organism and redesign for better survival (on a cellular level).  Of course, though, procreation is a basic drive of survival to ensure the longevity of the species of the organism.  Now this survival impulse can be set up to work against the life unit and produce conflict.  For example, the life unit can be implanted to have a disdain for procreation but is occupying an organism that, by its life force, is commanded to procreate.  But the life unit believing that it is the body, does not recognize this other life entity in the body, which is manifesting all of these weird procreation impulses and urges that the life unit is antipathetic to so the life unit is constantly fighting with the body, which it thinks it is.  I know.  It can really get confusing and don’t you dare believe a word of any of this.

By the way, the life unit, in occupying the same organism that is being animated by the lower life force, dominates the organism and has the potential to exert an overwhelming influence on the how the organism develops in systems and in shape.  For example, if you had a life unit that had been existing in one of the Confederation’s planetary systems where the primary body forms used by the life units in that area was reptilian and the life unit, because of a very lengthy association, had an ingrained affinity for that organism form, then the current body form that the life unit is involved with, even though not reptilian in the least, can be influenced to, in some way, manifest reptilian characteristics.  This, of course, is a direct override of the lower life force’s intention and agenda for that organism.  I must include, though, that this exterior influence that the life unit attempts to exert over the lower life form does not always end in a workable result.  More often than not these influences result in unworkable mutations of the organism. While at other times these efforts exerted onto the organisms by the life units result in complete new species of organisms. Also, I must add, that the influences that are being exerted by the life unit onto the organism are not done so knowingly. These influences or directives are brought about by residual memories leaking through and the life unit has no awareness of what is going on.