Another favorite of the programmers, especially when they’ve run into a creative block and can’t think of anything else, is to implant the datum, “The next one is
The One.” This particular implanted command really gives a lot of “bang for the buck” because it can be stuck on absolutely anything and generates tons of chaos and misery that ripples out far and wide into the periphery. You might wonder how this one works. Well, let’s say you have this guy or girl who, on one hand, has a basic pro-survival purpose and drive to find a mate, marry and procreate so as to ensure the continued existence of the species. But every time they happen to meet a prospective mate and begin to move toward a solid relationship, the implant: “The next one is
The One.” kicks in and they’re suddenly off chasing someone else, the next one –
the one. They’ll go along with this new person for a while with all looking great then the implant kicks in again and they’re immediately in pursuit of the next one –
the one. And so on and so on throughout their lifetime the cycle continues to repeat. Although I’ve used the example of a relationship, imagine how this implant might affect a career, religious belief, political belief, etc. Like I said, this implant can be attached to anything.
Note: Again, Bob has downloaded so much material in regard to this programming of the prisoners that it’s literally mind-boggling. And this makes it extremely difficult to decide what to include and what to leave out. I am going to include another implant program that is in the category of family and sex but I’m not even going to get into the implants that are specifically crafted for politics and religion. I can tell you, though, these perverted bastards had themselves a real moment of creative inspiration when it came to the isms, the ists the ologies and the ologists. Ummm….on second thought, I will tell you something about this area of programming with regards to religion.
Now, what I am about to tell you may really hit you at your core beliefs, but as we continue our journey you will come to see how what I am about to reveal to you is what it is. A very powerful and effective control program that was installed was the Heaven and Hell program. This program also included angels, demons, gods, rituals and so on and so forth.
Most of the programmers on this assignment originated from societies’ lower class distinctions that have no choice but to be wired into bodies that had no gender. Because of this they had no personal reality regarding anything to do with sex. Therefore, they required instruction along sex lines and, because the instruction was incompetent, there were many misunderstandings and confusions that occurred but were never fully sorted out. And, due to this situation, these programmers introduced some very peculiar elements into some of their program implants designed for the family and sex category. One of the types of programs they seemed to have had an affinity for was based in creating sexual conflict by using two-staged implants. The first stage of the implant would command the life unit to compulsively demand to have either a male or female gendered body. The second stage of the implant would kick in at some point after the life unit had taken possession of and was animating the body. The second stage command compelled the life unit to be the opposite sex from the body they occupied.
The two-staged implants where exceptionally popular in the family and sex category and there was a plethora of variations to these particular implants. One of the reasons that the family and sex category was such a favorite among the programmers was that this category was a point of confluence among multiple survival urges. Here we have a life unit, in a state of total amnesia, and programmed to obsess over bodies, in fact, the life unit has been programmed to completely identify with the body, that is; the body IS the life unit, the life unit IS the body - there is no distinction, the body and the life unit are one and the same. And the implant dictates that there is only one body and only one lifetime so “care for the body,” “worship the body” become, for all practical purposes, religious mantras, which form the fundamental concepts that societies and civilizations are built around. And of course, injury and death are to be resisted at all costs. There is also an obsession to ensure that there will always be new bodies arriving on the scene to replace the bodies that die. But this obsession, ironically, comes from an implant that commands the life unit to, upon body death, take possession of a new body because if it doesn’t it will cease to exist – no body = no identity. This particular implant is why when a society begins to slowly go by the boards –starving to death, for example - there is a surge of reproduction activity in a last ditch attempt to ensure that there will be new bodies available to replace the ones that are dying.
Note: The baby boomers, despite what ever else has been cited as the cause, were actually a result of a surge of reproduction activated by the sudden presence of atomic energy being used destructively on the planet. So procreation is an implanted must if the life unit is going to continue to exist through a particular species of organism. But this is often just the first stage of another type of two-stage implant that’s slipped into the mix. While the first stage demands reproduction the second stage demands that the life unit has a complete intolerance and repulsion for children. So there are more than a few things going on with the life unit in regards to bodies. But what about the body itself? What about that lower life form?
The life that is the life of organisms is a separate life force from life units. It is a much lower harmonic of life than a life unit. But like a life unit this level of life is also indestructible. This is the life force that is the architect, designer and engineer behind the genes, chromosomes, DNA, etc. and all that implies of any and all organisms. When the organism this lower life force is operating dies the life force moves into a new form of the same species of organism. Now this level of life obviously has awareness but it is not aware of being aware (big difference). Its prime directive, though, is to survive and its primary way of doing that is to constantly reengineer the organism that it is involved with to be equipped for better survival. Therefore, this level of life welcomes death as another opportunity to evaluate the weaknesses of the organism and redesign for better survival (on a cellular level). Of course, though, procreation is a basic drive of survival to ensure the longevity of the species of the organism. Now this survival impulse can be set up to work against the life unit and produce conflict. For example, the life unit can be implanted to have a disdain for procreation but is occupying an organism that, by its life force, is commanded to procreate. But the life unit believing that it is the body, does not recognize this other life entity in the body, which is manifesting all of these weird procreation impulses and urges that the life unit is antipathetic to so the life unit is constantly fighting with the body, which it thinks it is. I know. It can really get confusing and don’t you dare believe a word of any of this.
By the way, the life unit, in occupying the same organism that is being animated by the lower life force, dominates the organism and has the potential to exert an overwhelming influence on the how the organism develops in systems and in shape. For example, if you had a life unit that had been existing in one of the Confederation’s planetary systems where the primary body forms used by the life units in that area was reptilian and the life unit, because of a very lengthy association, had an ingrained affinity for that organism form, then the current body form that the life unit is involved with, even though not reptilian in the least, can be influenced to, in some way, manifest reptilian characteristics. This, of course, is a direct override of the lower life force’s intention and agenda for that organism. I must include, though, that this exterior influence that the life unit attempts to exert over the lower life form does not always end in a workable result. More often than not these influences result in unworkable mutations of the organism. While at other times these efforts exerted onto the organisms by the life units result in complete new species of organisms. Also, I must add, that the influences that are being exerted by the life unit onto the organism are not done so knowingly. These influences or directives are brought about by residual memories leaking through and the life unit has no awareness of what is going on.